Friday, 3 November 2017

Sector Trading Strategier Deron Wagner

Commodities Analysis Opinion Nedenfor ser vi prisutviklingen på råolje ETF XLE sammen med olje og gass ETF XOP de siste tre årene. Kan energibestandene peke mot råoljer neste store trekk Hvis ja, i hvilken. Gull gikk gjennom en tøff periode fra valget i november til midten av desember. Det tapte over 170 i verdi, mer enn 10 før du fant en bunn. Men siden det er lavt har det vært jevnt. På timekartet for mais kan vi se en fin tre bølgefall som finner sted, med pris som nå er spesifikt handel med bølge C eller tre av denne nedgangen. Som vi vet, er C en impuls, og dermed består det. 2016 ndash 2017 vintersesongen forme til å være den andre hotteste på rekord. Nåværende forsyninger er nå over 5 års gjennomsnitt. Varen har mistet over 30 av verdien fra desember. Gull viser imponerende motstand mot et ugunstig makroøkonomisk miljø. Betyr det at investorer kjøper gull som en sikring mot risikoen for Trumprsquos impeachment Som vi gjentok. Kobbersalget utvikler seg pent som grunnmetaller synker mens edle metaller fly Metaller er divergerende når vi ruller mot slutten av en stille uke og månedsenden. Metaller som du graver ut av. Etter å ha testet den store langsiktige støtten, kan NG lengder være lykkelige forresten denne uken spiller ut med denne ldquoBullish Hammer. rdquo. Original post. Råolje: Samlet fortsatt bullish, til tross for manglende nødvendig fart for å lage nye høyder. Ser ut som kjøpere ikke er i rush. Originalpost Gull: Første pause er sant Neste motstand på diagrammet. Vanskelig å være kort nå. Opprinnelig innlegg Gull hoppet til en 3 måneders høy i dag, snapping en 3-dagers tapestreng i dag etter at handelsmenn hadde spist i gårsdagsmøter fra US Federal Reserve. Klokken 19:39 (GMT) handlet kursen på. Olje stiger på topp oljeproblemer. OK, ikke den gamle mislykkede ideologien til ldquopeak oilrdquo, men det faktum at amerikansk oljeforsyning i USA kan ha toppet, så vel som Exxon Mobils (NYSE: XOM) bevist. Gull har bekreftet en stigende kilde (blå) til 1250 Retrace Target. Gull trengte en retrace til sin lilla megafon VWAP i 1250, og den har nettopp bekreftet en stigende kil (blå på diagram) som den når. Sølv og gull har fortsatt å gå ned siden høydene nådde tilbake i 2011. Hva ber om spørsmålet: Er det 6-årige bjørnmarkedet nærmer seg en slutt Nedenfor ser du forholdet mellom sølv og gull over. Oscars ndash verdt sin vekt i gull 89. Oscars å fly denne helgen Oscars har blitt dyppet i 24 karat gull siden 1929 Hvis Oscarene var laget av solidt gull, ville de veie 330 ounces 330. Riktig ser bra ut. Stopp på lenge ved 52. Ikke usannsynlig å se at de blir truffet før neste bein begynner. Original post Natural Gas: Et grønt lys til uken (nær over 2,80) vil validere triple-støtten på 2,50 og nøytralisere nedtrenden for nå. Original post Gullavslutning over trekanten apex motstand vil være langsiktig bullish Original postMarket Oversikt Sektorer: Finansielle tjenester Forbruker Syklisk Teknologi Kapital Varer Helse Grunnleggende Materialer ConsumerNon-Cyclical Energy Transport Verktøy Conglomerates Clear Flying Pig Arkivert under kategorien lsquosmartest gruppe abonnenter i worldrsquo, jeg fikk en epost fra NFTRH-abonnenten Joe F. i forrige uke da jeg var mekanisk ledende gullmarkedet i min. Lønnsforhandlinger - en jevn tur. I mellomtiden, noen data. En QE avslutter mer enn priset i 4-5Y SGB. For å lese hele rapporten Vennligst klikk på pdf-filen nedenfor Markedsflyttet fremover i USA. Donald Trumps tale til kongressen på tirsdag vil bli overvåket tett, for noen uker siden lovet han at han ville kunngjøre noe fenomenalt med hensyn til. Økonomisk prognose atrsquos i stor grad informert av politikken er en forræderisk affære, men det kan være uunngåelig i dagens klima. Hvis du er en Donald Trump-supporter therersquos en god. Fordelene ved å være president, i disse dager, er få og langt mellom. Bare spør president Trump. Arbeidstiden er forferdelig, lønnen er langt mindre enn en bedrifts administrerende direktør, og din egen. Å holde en EU-folkeavstemning ville være vanskelig for Le Pen uten sterk parlamentarisk støtte. EUR-periferi sprer seg hvis Le Pen vinner, men ECB skal stå klar for å lette økonomisk. Dowrsquos vinnende strekning er satt til å bli seriøst testet på fredag, med amerikanske futures tyder på at alle tre hovedindeksene vil åpne rundt en tredjedel av et prosentpoeng lavere. I. Bitcoin slo 1172.09, en heltidspunkt for kryptokurrency. Den digitale valutaen er knyttet til bullish bets i tider med usikkerhet, som for øyeblikket gjør et navn for seg selv som et tilfluktssted. I løpet av. FTSE -12 poeng på 7259 DAX -32 poeng ved 11915 CAC -7 poeng til 4884 Euro Stoxx -7 poeng på 3326 Risikoen av handel trakk de asiatiske aksjene lavere på fredag, selv om de store asiatiske aksjeindeksene. Hvilken innvirkning kan NATOs forsvarsutgifter omforhandling ha på EUs budsjetter, obligasjoner og aksjer I 2006 ble NATO-partnere enige om å bruke minst 2 av BNP på forsvaret Germanyrsquos forsvarsutgifter. Den amerikanske dollaren er ferdig i uken på en blandet notat i hakkete aktiviteter i smale områder. Det er en fin måte å avslutte denne uken, som i stor grad er retningsløs som investorer venter på frisk. Euro gjenvinner mildt i dag, men er fortsatt den nest svakeste hovedvalutaen i uken, ved siden av sveitsiske franc. Dollar, derimot, mistet fart igjen. Dollarindeksen ble avstått fra 101,96. Gjør de eller donrsquot de Vi har et litt forvirret marked denne morgenen som politikken i handel og sitte regjeringer trump politikken til valg for en gang. Det meste av forvirringen er fokusert. I dag er det en annen rolig dag når det gjelder store økonomiske datautgivelser. I USA i dag, skal vi få de endelige tallene fra University of Michigan i februar. Selv om det foreløpige tallet. Tallrike bedriftens resultater, en positiv utvikling for den ordinære franske politikken og typisk vage minutter fra det siste amerikanske rentesettingsmøtet, har gitt investorer pause for. Etter utgivelsen av kanadiske detaljhandelstall i desember, syntes den kanadiske dollar å være ledet for en dag ned mot amerikanske dollar. Mens økonomene undersøkte forventet dem til. Her er åpningserklæringen fra Arbeidsdepartementet: I uken som sluttte 18. februar var forutsetningen for sesongjusterte innledende krav 244 000, en økning på 6 000 fra Hayden Reyes har vært lokalisert og trygg. Vancouver, Wash. - 25. februar 2017 ble Vancouver politiet kontaktet om en savnet 13 år gammel, Hayden M. Reyes. Hayden har Asperger Autism og forlot sitt hjem i Vancouver klokken 2:00 p. m. sier til venn at han skulle ta Amtrak til Moses Lake, WA hvor hans bestemor lever. Hayden er 59, 175lbs. brunt hår, brune øyne, sist sett med en grå t-skjorte med rød bokstaver, mørkfarget sporbukser, svart og hvitt sko, en svart skinnjakke og bære en mørk oransje og grå ryggsekk. Hayden ble sett på ca 4:00 p. m. på Portland, Oregon Amtrak stasjon med en ukjent hvit mann, omtrent 55, 30 år gammel, rent barbert, mørkt hår i en Mohawk som prøvde å kjøpe en billett. Alle som har informasjon om hvor Hayden M. Reyes er, blir bedt om å ringe 911. Vancouver Police Department søker søkere til opptaker og politi. Hvis du er interessert i en karriere hos oss, besøk cityofvancouver. uspolicepagecareers. Vancouver, Wash. - Den 25. februar 2017 klokken 11:12 var Vancouver politi sendt ut for å bistå en kontaktperson i Washington State Department of Corrections (DOC) og anse et ønsket emne i 2500-gaten Main Street. Da offiserer kontaktet det mannlige emnet, forsøkte han å slå en reagerende politimann fra Vancouver med sitt kjøretøy. Vancouver-offiseren sparket til den mistenkte, som deretter flyktet scenen i kjøretøyet. Det mistenkte kjøretøyet rammet et kjøretøy, med to beboere inni, i området E 16thBroadway og krasjet inn i en bygning i samme nærhet. Mistenkte flyktet til fots og ble tatt i varetekt ved å svare på offiserer i området E 15thC Street. Mistenkte ble transportert til et områdesykehus for vurdering av skader, som ser ut til å være livstruende. De to beboerne i kjøretøyet som ble rammet av det mistenkte kjøretøyet ble transportert til et sykehus med mindre skader. En kvinnelig passasjer i det mistenkte kjøretøyet ble evaluert for skader og blir for tiden arrestert. Ingen lovhåndhevelse offiserer ble skadet. Vancouver Police Department Trafikk enhet undersøker trafikkkollisjonene, og den regionale major forbrytelsesenheten undersøker offiser involvert skyting. Flere gater vil bli stengt mens undersøkelsen fortsetter. Broadway-C Street er stengt på E 16th og C Street er stengt fra E 16th-E 15th. Den involverte offiser er på kritisk hendelsesorlov, per standard prosedyre. Ingen ytterligere informasjon er tilgjengelig på dette tidspunktet. På lørdag 25. februar 2017, klokka omtrent kl. 08:40, reagerte OSP Troopers på en to kjøretøykrasj på motorvei 101 nær milepæl 249 (ca. 12 miles sør for Coos Bay). Foreløpige opplysninger indikerer en bluegrey 2010 Ford Taurus var nordgående på Highway 101 da sjåføren observerte en innkommende sørgående hvit 2004 Nissan Xterra begynte å fiske og forlate banen. Kjøretøyene kolliderte i nordbanen og Nissan Xterra ble tatt i brann. Føreren av Nissan Xterra døde som et resultat av krasj. Identiteten til sjåføren blir holdt tilbake i påvente av en neste melding om familie. Begge okkupanter av Taurus ble transportert til Coos Bay-området sykehus for livstruende skader. Bilder er ikke tilgjengelig for øyeblikket. MCSO PIO Lt. Chad Gaidos vil være ute av kontoret fra 022517 kl 12 til 03202017 klokka 8.00. Alle ikke-presserende medieforespørsler, eller offentlige forespørsler om informasjon, kan sendes til piomcso. us for et svar. Forvent et svar i åpningstiden, mandag til fredag. For svar på umiddelbare mediebehov, vennligst bruk PIO Personsøkernummeret (503) 271-0226. På lørdag 25. februar 2017 klokka om 7:40, reagerte OSP Troopers på en enkeltmotorkrasj på motorvei 101 nær milepæl 136 (omtrent fire miles sør for Newport). Det involverte kjøretøyet, en grønn 2002 Ford Explorer, var nordgående da sjåføren trolig mistet kontrollen på grunn av isete forhold. Kjøretøyet gled sidelengs over motorveien og reiste over et dyp, hvilte på toppen i en liten bekk. Føreren, identifisert som 40 år gammel Newport bosatt, Edgar Mendez Romero, døde på scenen som et resultat av krasj. Han hadde på seg et sikkerhetsbelte da krasjen skjedde. OSP ble assistert av Lincoln County Sheriffs Office, Newport brann og redning, Depoe Bay Fire and Rescue, og ODOT. I tillegg til troppere fra Newport Area Command, ble medlemmer av Oregon State Police Mobile Response Team (MRT) som har jobbet i området på grunn av Newport Seafood and Wine Festival, utrått og reagerte for å bistå med denne ulykken og mange andre isrelaterte krasjer som skjedde rundt samme tid. Katherine Kat Bonner har vært lokalisert og trygg. Salems politidirektorat vil fortsette med spesialiserte patruljer for å målrette mot de som kjører under påvirkning av rusmidler for å forbedre sikkerheten til våre veier. Overtidspassrullskiftene, finansiert av Oregon Impact, vil fortsette å fokusere på det svært farlige spørsmålet om å kjøre mens de er svekket. I løpet av månedene januar og februar arresterte Salems politimenn 76 personer for å kjøre under innflytelse av rusmidler, citerte tretten personer for mindreårige i besittelse av alkohol, utstedt 240 sitater for kjøring mens de ble suspendert, 95 for kjøring uten setebelte, 38 for kjøring mens du bruker en mobiltelefon, og utstedt ytterligere 2557 sitater og advarsler for ulike andre lovbrudd. Salem Police Department og våre partnere som Oregon Impact er forpliktet til å holde samfunnet trygt gjennom trafikk sikkerhetshåndhevelse og utdanning. Salems politidirektorat vil fortsette med spesialiserte patruljer for å målrette mot de som kjører under påvirkning av rusmidler for å forbedre sikkerheten til våre veier. Overtidspassrullskiftene, finansiert av Oregon Impact, vil fortsette å fokusere på det svært farlige spørsmålet om å kjøre mens de er svekket. I løpet av månedene januar og februar arresterte Salems politimenn 76 personer for å kjøre under innflytelse av rusmidler, citerte tretten personer for mindreårige i besittelse av alkohol, utstedt 240 sitater for kjøring mens de ble suspendert, 95 for kjøring uten setebelte, 38 for kjøring mens du bruker en mobiltelefon, og utstedt ytterligere 2557 sitater og advarsler for ulike andre lovbrudd. Salem Police Department og våre partnere som Oregon Impact er forpliktet til å holde samfunnet trygt gjennom trafikk sikkerhetshåndhevelse og utdanning. GRESHAM, Ore .-- Politi leter etter Katherine Kat Bonner, 41, som forlot sitt nordøstlige Gresham hjem klokken 12.00 den 22. februar og har ikke blitt hørt fra siden. Bonner er beskrevet som en blandet rase kvinne, med svart hår og brune øyne. Hun er ca 5 meter 5 inches høy og veier 160 pounds. Alle som kjenner til Booners oppholdssted, oppfordres til å ringe politiets forsendelseslinje på 503-823-3333. 24. februar 2017 - Washington County Sheriffs Office Traffic Team rapporterer resultatene fra februar Seat Belt Blitz håndhevelse. Metningstanken ble gjennomført i samarbeid med Washington County Sheriffs Office, Oregon Department of Transportation og et tilskudd fra National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. Disse resultatene er fra rapporteringsperioden fra 6. februar 2017, og fortsetter til 19. februar 2017. Totalt trafikkkontakter: 1.054 Sikkerhetsbeltbrudd: 145 Hastighetskrenkelser: 355 tilleggs advarsler eller brudd: 726 som inkluderer en rekke trafikksikkerhetsbrudd der vil fortsette å styrke trafikkhåndhevelsesoppdrag senere i år. Seat Belt Blitz sparker ut i februar 27 januar 2017 - Deputerte med Washington County Sheriffs Office vil jobbe ekstra patruljer i to uker i februar som en del av setebeltet blitz. Rettshåndhevelsesbyråer fra hele Oregon vil delta i en to ukers kampanje for å oppmuntre til bruk av sikkerhetsbelter og barnehemmede i kjøretøy. Blitz løper fra 6. februar 2017 til 19. februar 2017. Undersøkelser fra National Highway Transportation Safety Administration (NHTSA) viser at bilkrasj er fortsatt den viktigste dødsårsaken eller funksjonshemming hos barn fra to til 14 år. Dette nummeret skyldes i stor grad ikke bruk, eller feil bruk av barneseter og setebelter. Riktig sikkerhetsbelte og bruk av barnestøtte er nummer én måte å forhindre skade eller død på hvis du eller dine barn er involvert i et krasj. Oregon lov krever:. Spedbarn skal ri i bakovervendte seter til de er ett år gammel og 20 pund. . Barn over ett år, mellom 20 og 40 pund, må være i et fremadvendt sete. . Barn som veier over 40 pund må være ordentlig sikret i et booster sete til de er åtte år eller 4 9 høye. . Barn som er over åtte år eller 4 9 og alle voksne må være ordentlig sikret ved hjelp av sikkerhetsbelter. . National Highway Transportation Safety Administration anbefaler at alle barn under 13 år kjører på baksetet. Forskning indikerer at passasjerer som rider på bakre sitteområde reduserer risikoen for skade for den aldersgruppen. For sikkerhetsbelteanlegg betyr riktig bruk at beltet må plasseres lavt over hofter og skulderbelt som krysser midt på brystet over kragebenet. Belter skal være fri for slakk og har ingen vendinger eller knuter. Skulderbeltet skal IKKE plasseres under armen eller bak ryggen, dette kan forårsake alvorlige indre skader eller utstøt i en krasj. Tilleggsinformasjon om bilsikkerhetsseter og barnesikkerhetssikkerhet finnes på: oregonimpact. org. Sheriffs Office Traffic Safety Unit er dedikert til å fremme og forbedre trafikksikkerhet gjennom utdanning, analyse og håndheving. 24. februar 2017 - Den 31. januar 2017 tok en Washington County Sheriffs Detective en rapport fra en Tigard-kvinne som hadde begynt å motta tekstmeldinger fra en ukjent person, senere identifisert som Sean Spaulding alder 21 av Beaverton. Tekstmeldingene inneholdt nakne bilder av offeret, som klart ble tatt uten hennes kunnskap ved hjelp av et skjult kamera. Mr. Spaulding prøvde å utpresse offeret for å sende mer eksplisitte bilder. Han truet med å legge inn bildene på sosiale medier og sende dem til ofrefamilien. Under undersøkelsen ble det oppdaget et annet offer fra en hendelse i juni 2016. I den hendelsen lærte detektiver at Spaulding hadde lurt et ungdomsjuktoffer for å sende nakne bilder av seg selv til ham. Undersøkelsen avdekket også forekomster av identitetstyveri hvor Mr. Spaulding utgjorde som en portugisisk kvinne på nettet for å forsøke å skaffe ytterligere nakenbilder av andre kvinner. Den mistenkte, Sean Spaulding ble arrestert 15. februar 2017. I dag returnerte en stor jury i Washington County en 10 count anklage mot Spaulding for forbrytelser, inkludert Invasion of Personal Privacy I, Oppmuntrende Child Sex Abuse i den andre graden (to teller), Identity Tyveri, datakriminalitet (to teller), tvang og forsøkt tvang (to teller). Sheriff-kontoret mener at det kan være flere ofre og spør noen med informasjon om å kontakte Washington County Sheriffs Office på 503-629-0111. US Army Corps of Engineers Portland District US Army Corps of Engineers søker kommentarer på forespørsel fra City of Medford for å utføre arbeid som påvirker Upton Slough i Medford, Jackson County, Oregon. Offentlig merknad NWP-2016-300 er tilgjengelig på nwp. usace. army. milMissionsRegulatoryNotices US Army Corps of Engineers Portland District US Army Corps of Engineers søker kommentarer på forespørsel fra City of Medford for å gjennomføre arbeid som påvirker Lone Pine Creek i Medford , Jackson County, Oregon. Offentliggjøring NWP-2016-297 er tilgjengelig på nwp. usace. army. milMissionsRegulatoryNotices US Army Corps of Engineers Portland District US Army Corps of Engineers søker kommentarer på forespørsel fra Riverside Homes, LLC for å gjennomføre arbeid som påvirker to våtmarker ved siden av Fanno Creek i Tigard, Washington County, Oregon. Offentliggjøring NWP-2017-53PN er tilgjengelig på nwp. usace. army. milMissionsRegulatoryNotices US Army Corps of Engineers Portland-distriktet US Army Corps of Engineers søker kommentarer på forespørsel fra Glorietta Bay, LLC for å utføre arbeid som påvirker en hodeskjøterbens for Little Oak Creek og tilstøtende våtmarker i Libanon, Linn County, OR. Offentliggjøring NWP-2017-54PN er tilgjengelig på nwp. usace. army. milMissionsRegulatoryNotices Plassering: 725 Summer St NE Salem OR, konferanserom 124 AB AGENDA: 9:00 Møte kalt til bestilling - Roll Call 9:05 Offentlig kommentar 9:15 Utkast til møtemøtene 4. november 2016 6. januar 2017 3. februar 2017 9:30 Enkelt familie boliglåns samtykkekalender 9:35 Multifamily Bond-godkjenninger 9:50 Boligprodusenter - Utfordringer og muligheter 10:50 Oregons Affordable Housing: Performance Analysis og Trender 11:50 BREAK 12:00 US Department of Energy State Plan Oversikt 12:30 Rapport fra direktøren 12:45 Rapport fra stolen 1:00 Møte avbrutt På morgenen den 23. februar brøt to menn inn i Cleveland High School at ca 6:30 am. Duoen vandaliserte skolen og tent flere branner i skolen. Det var fire ansatte i skolen da dette skjedde, noe som gjorde hendelsen enda mer farlig. Portland Fire Rescues Arson Investigation Unit var i stand til å identifisere mistankene som to tidligere studenter Devyn Julkowski og John Schrengohst, begge 20 år. Julkowski og Schrengohst ble tatt i varetekt og ble belastet med tiltak 11 Arson 1 og Burglary 2. Oregon State Marine Board møtes mandag 27. februar kl. 9 via tele-videokonferanse for å diskutere søknad om søknad om søknad om søknad om søknadsfrist for 3. båt. Møtet vil bli latt på Marine Board Office, 435 Commercial St. NE, i Salem. Grantforespørsler vil bli vurdert for følgende søkere: Administrasjon av agentur Prosjekt Sted og omfang Fond Forespørret by i Coos Bay Empire og Eastside parkeringsreparasjoner 29.600.00 Byen Roseburg Templin Beach Parkeringsoverlegg 41.536.41 Coos County Rooke Higgins Valve Toalett Utskifting 19,000.00 Coos County Rocky Point Hvelvet Toalett erstatning 19,000.00 Jackson County Willow Lake, Klum Landing, Takelma, Dodge Bridge Parkeringsreparasjoner 38.250,00 Klamath County Wocus Bay, Henzel og Petric Parkeringsreparasjoner 10,000.00 Metro Chinook Landing Parkeringsreparasjoner 30,957.21 Port of Arlington Port Parkeringsreparasjoner 49.230.00 Port of Astoria East Basin Parkeringsreparasjoner 15,000.00 Port av reparasjoner av Bandon Port 14.035.00 Port of Coos Bay Charleston parkerings reparasjoner 34.075.00 Port av Garibaldi Port parkeringsforbedringer 70,000.00 Port of Port Orford Port parkerings reparasjoner 22.722.00 Port av The Dalles Port Parkerings reparasjoner og toalett dør erstatning 18.447.00 South Wasco Park Rec. Distrikt South Ramp parkeringsreparasjoner 7.500,00 Totalt forespurt 419.352,62 I tillegg vil to anmodninger om anleggsstøtte behandles separat for betinget godkjenning: Administrasjon av agentur Prosjekt Lokalisering og omfangsfond Forespurt personale Anbefaling By av Reedsport Rainbow Plaza båtfasilitet erstatning 1.089.950,00 589.950,00 ODFW Williamson River kulturundersøkelse 23,000.00 23,000.00 Totalt forespurt 1.112.950,00 612.950,00 Møtene er tilgjengelige for funksjonshemmede. For en forespørsel om kommunikasjonshjelp eller spørsmål om dagsorden, vennligst kontakt June LeTarte, Executive Assistant, på 503-378-2617. For å se dagsorden og rapport om personalet, besøk oregon. govOSMBPagesadminmembers. aspx. OPPDATERING Navn på offiserer involvert Offiser Jason Buelt som har vært med Beaverton Police i 17 år. Offiser Dan Cotton som har vært med Beaverton Police i 9 år. Jeg har ingen ytterligere informasjon å gi relatert til denne hendelsen eller undersøkelsen på dette tidspunktet. Rettelse Fagets navn er Douglas Michael Smith Navnet på emnet er i denne utgivelsen Denne morgenen klokka 07:37 er det sendt offiserer fra Beaverton Police Department til en samtale fra en mann med pistol. Mannen ble rapportert å være på taket av 2030 SW 170th Ave og ble agitated, vinket pistolen og pekte det inn i boligen og mot gaten. Denne residensen ligger rett over gaten fra Beaver Acres Elementary School og kort avstand fra Merlo Station High School. Disse skolene ble begge satt inn i en lockout klokken 07:40 og informert om hendelsen. Offiserer kom på scene innen minutter og forsøkte å snakke med dette emnet. Han var fortsatt på taket og hadde pistolen i hånden. Han nektet å snakke med offiserer, pekte pistolen mot offiserer, og sparket deretter en runde inn i huset. På dette tidspunktet skutt to Beaverton-offiserer sine våpen for å stoppe denne aktive trusselen. Offiserer kom inn i boligen for å komme til emnet, som fortsatt var på taket. Dette ble gjort for å sikre scenen og avgjøre hans skader. Offiserene begynte å levere livreddende arbeid og ringte til akuttmedisinske tjenester for å gi ham medisinsk behandling. Emnet er identifisert som Douglas Michael Smith, 51 år gammel, og han ble uttalt avdøde av medisinsk personale på scenen. Denne hendelsen blir undersøkt av Washington County Major Crimes Team. Begge involverte offiserer vil bli plassert på betalt administrasjonsorlov per avdelingspolitikk og fylkeskommunalt involverte skytingsprotokoller. Teen tar en tur og går med Sargeant Christensen Denne søndag vil Happy Valley Youth Council være vert for den fjerde årlige ungdomsdriveren og sikkerhetsarrangementet. Nær 50 ungdomsdrivere fra lokale videregående skoler vil delta i dette praktiske programmet der de skal lære å redusere kjørerisiko, betydningen av ansvarlig kjøring, farene ved distraksjon og den irreversible innflytelsen en beslutning kan ha på livet. Det innovative programmet advare ikke bare unge drivere mot farene med distrahert kjøring, det lar dem oppleve det. Gjennom bruk av kjøringssimulatorer (det samme som brukes av politibetjente) og nedsatt beskyttelsesbriller, ser teens hvordan teksting, fart og nedsatt kjøring har direkte innvirkning på kjørevnen. Nytt i år vil være en del om situasjonsbevissthet. Studentene vil få innsikt i viktigheten av å være observant og oppmerksom, ikke bare for å forbedre sikkerheten bak rattet, men også i andre situasjoner. Når programmet ble utviklet for fire år siden av ungdomsrådet, var det mange diskusjoner om hvordan det kunne utformes på en måte som ville tillate tenåringer å føle konsekvensene av deres valg. Ungdomsrådsmennene visste at de måtte gjøre budskapene påfallelige for tenårene som gikk gjennom programmet. Teens overestimerer ofte sine ferdigheter bak rattet, og tror at de er i stand til å gjøre mye mer enn de burde, sa Steve Campbell, Happy Valleys Public Safety Director og Youth Council Advisor. Men Campbell mener dette programmet lærer tenåringer å ta det privilegium å kjøre alvorlig. Vi vil at de skal respektere det ansvaret som følger med å være en sjåfør. Vi minner dem om at de mister retten til å være barn når de står bak rattet. Dette programmet er gjort mulig gjennom sponsorering av Providence Health Services, og de mange partnerne i denne hendelsen, inkludert Oregon Impact, Happy Valley Police, Clackamas County Sheriffs Office, TJM Training Concepts og Drive to Zero. Arrangementet finner sted 26. februar fra kl. 14.00 til 16.00 på Public Safety Training Center, lokalisert på 12700 SE 82nd Ave. Clackamas. Media som ønsker å delta er invitert til å kontakte PIO. I går ble det oppdaget at Detektivforbundet var underrettet av Oregon State Medical Examiner Office om at Henry Fitchett en mann rapporterte mangler og senere funnet inne i en bolig nær Aurora døde av naturlige årsaker. På dette tidspunktet i undersøkelsen har Sheriffs Office ikke ytterligere kommentarer angående Fitchett-saken, og refererer til ytterligere spørsmål til Marion County District Attorneys Office. Rettelse: Edward Fitchett er 59 år gammel. I morges klokka 8:00 er det søndagsspeditør med Marion County Sheriffs Office, som var på besøk hos Henry Conly Fitchett, 87 år gammel, som ligger i 21000-kvarteret Hubbard Cutoff Road NE nær Aurora. Henry Conly Fitchett ble rapportert savnet 29. januar i år av familiemedlemmer. Under søket fant detektorer den avdøde kroppen av Henry Conly Fitchett inne i boligen. Edward Fitchett, 59 år gammel, Henry Conly Fitchetts sønn, er blitt arrestert og tatt til Marion County fengsel for forbrytelser av tyveri I, kriminell mishandling jeg, identitetstyveri jeg og misbruk av et korps. Dette er en aktiv kriminell etterforskning. En obduksjon vil bli planlagt og utført av Oregon State Medical Examiner for å fastslå dødsårsaken. Sheriffs Office vil ikke gi ytterligere detaljer om vår undersøkelse på dette tidspunktet. Mr. Edward Fitchett er planlagt å vises i retten i morgen klokken 3:00 ved Marion County Circuit Court Annex. 29. januar i år ble varamedlemmer kalt til en bolig i 21000-kvarteret Hubbard Cutoff Road NE nær Aurora for å undersøke en savnet person. Familien fortalte varamedlemmer at Henry Conley Fitchett Jr. alder 87, har vært savnet siden september 2016. Mr. Fitchett er 502 høy, 169 kg, med grått hår og blå øyne. Familien mener at Mr. Conley kan ha flyttet til Estacada-området med en kjæreste, men han har ikke blitt sett eller hørt fra siden. Detektiver ber alle med informasjon om Mr. Conley for å ta kontakt med vår tipslinje på 503-540-8079 eller du kan skrive inn tipset ditt til TIPMCSO på 847411, du kan forbli anonym. 24. februar 2017 NEWCO Oregon har ikke møtt bevisbyrde for å rettferdiggjøre behovet for anlegget PORTLAND, Ore .-- Oregon Health Authority foreslår å nekte et sertifikat for behovssøknad fra NEWCO Oregon Inc. for å bygge en 100-sengs frittstående psykiatriske sykehus i Wilsonville. Den foreslåtte beslutningen som ble utstedt i dag, viste at NEWCO, et heleid datterselskap av Universal Health Services Inc. (UHS), ikke hadde oppfylt bevisbyrden for å begrunne behovet for anlegget. Den foreslåtte anlegget vil bli lokalisert på 9500 SW Day Road i nordvest Wilsonville, og vil tjene ungdoms-, voksen - og geriatrisk psykiatriske pasienter. NEWCO, som sendte sin sertifikat om behovssøknad i januar 2016, kan klage på den foreslåtte avgjørelsen eller sende inn en ny søknad med tilstrekkelig informasjon for å møte kravet om krav til behov. Den fullstendige foreslåtte beslutningen finner du på Sertifikat for behovsprogrammet på healthoregon. orgcn. Sertifikatet for behovsprogram, administrert gjennom Health Care Regulation og Quality Improvement Section ved OHA Public Health Division, er et standardisert reguleringsprogram som ble innført i 1971. Det oppstod av Oregon-lovgivere å ønske å oppnå rimelig tilgang til kvalitetshelsetjenesten på en rimelig pris. ORS 442 belaster programmet med gjennomgang av forslag til nye sykehus og sykepleie for å sikre at helsetjenester er tilstrekkelig fordelt i staten uten unødvendig duplisering av tjenester eller overdreven kostnad for pasientene. Ifølge OHAs brev som beskriver den foreslåtte beslutningen til Ron Escarda, en NEWCO-representant, har NEWCO ikke møtt sin byrde for å demonstrere at kravet om krav til sertifikat kan oppfylles. OHA fant i sin foreslåtte beslutning at NEWCO møtte bare ett av de åtte kriteriene som stavet ut i sertifikatet om behovs administrative regler: at dets økonomiske status er tilstrekkelig til å støtte det foreslåtte prosjektet, og det vil fortsatt være tilstrekkelig etter gjennomføring av prosjektet. NEWCO - eller en berørt part - kan be om en uformell høring med OHAs sertifikat for behovsprogram innen ti dager etter den foreslåtte beslutningen. Den uformelle høringen vil bli avholdt innen 15 dager etter mottak av forespørselen. OHA ville gjøre en endelig avgjørelse innen 10 dager etter at den uformelle høringen ble avsluttet. Når en foreslått avgjørelse blir endelig, enten som følge av en uformell hørsel eller fordi ingen har bedt om en uformell høring, kan NEWCO eller en berørt part anmode om en ny vurdering innen 60 dager etter den endelige avgjørelsen. Oregon Office of Administrative Hearings vil gjennomføre en vurdering av høringen. Den endelige ordren som følger av omtalen, kan deretter appelleres til Oregon Court of Appeal. For mer informasjon om Certificate of Need Program, besøk healthoregon. orgcn. PRO-CHOICE COALITION OF OREGON PRESS RELEASE Media Advisory: Hundreds to Rally in Salem for Reproductive Health Equity Hundreds of Oregonians will demonstrate in Salem for landmark legislation to establish reproductive health equity. The rally will take place from noon-1pm Tuesday, February 28th on the west steps of the Oregon State Capitol as part of the Reproductive Health Equity Now Day of Action. Speakers will include elected officials as well as Oregonians whose lives will be directly impacted by this campaign. Access to reproductive health care is critical for the health and economic security of all Oregonians. The Reproductive Health Equity Act (House Bill 2232) ensures that Oregonians receive the full range of preventive reproductive health services at zero out-of - pocket cost fills gaps in reproductive health coverage for those categorically excluded from health programs due to citizenship status and prohibits discrimination in reproductive health care. The Reproductive Health Equity Now campaign, which formally launched on January 18th, has already received an outpouring of support across the state and across the nation: More than 10,000 Oregonians have signed petitions demanding reproductive health equity now. A broad range of more than 2 dozen organizations have endorsed the campaign. In an editorial published January 31st, The New York Times praised the legislation as a powerful defense, at the state level, of necessary reproductive health care. The bill has also received national media attention from Time, U. S. News World Report, Mother Jones, Rewire and Refinery29. WHO: Pro-Choice Coalition of Oregon WHAT: Reproductive Health Care Now Day of Action WHEN: Noon-1pm Tuesday, February 28th WHERE: West Capitol Steps, Salem The Pro-Choice Coalition of Oregon is a diverse, statewide coalition that is working to create a world where access to reproductive health care doesnt depend on who you are, where you live or how much you earn - where every Oregonian who can become pregnant has the opportunity to choose their own path to a healthy and meaningful life. The coalition consists of American Civil Liberties Union of Oregon, Asian Pacific American Network of Oregon, Family Forward Oregon, NARAL Pro-Choice Oregon, Oregon Latino Health Coalition, Planned Parenthood Advocates of Oregon and Western States Center. Jackson County Sheriffs Deputies have arrested Nathaniel James Young, of Grants Pass, on charges stemming from car break-ins in Sandy overnight on 022117. Mr. Young was arrested this morning after being found in possession of a firearm stolen from a vehicle in Sandy. Deputies served a search warrant on the vehicle Mr. Young was driving and found the firearm along with other items likely stolen in Sandy. Young was lodged at the Jackson County Jail on 35,000 bail. He is currently charged with unlawful possession of a firearm, first degree theft, felon in possession of a weapon, possession of heroin, and possession of methamphetamine. The Sandy Police are working with the Jackson County Sheriffs office to identify the property recovered from Youngs vehicle and return any stolen items to victims. As the weather becomes warmer and days become longer, we typically see more pedestrians out and about at various times of the day and night, and pedestrian safety issues become even more important. As a result, the Salem Police Department traffic unit will be conducting pedestrian safety enforcement and education campaigns throughout the City during the spring months. The campaigns will utilize plain clothes officers who will be crossing streets at crosswalk locations throughout the City, and video cameras will be used to record violations. Those who are contacted will be able to view the violation on video. Oregon law requires all drivers to stop prior to entering a crosswalk for pedestrians who are crossing the street in a marked or unmarked crosswalk. Drivers are required to stop if a pedestrian is either in the lane in which the drivers vehicle is traveling or in a lane adjacent to the lane in which the drivers vehicle is traveling. Marked crosswalks may be located at or between intersections and are recognized by solid or dashed white lines. Oregon Law also states that every intersection should be considered to have a crosswalk, whether marked or not. Additionally, a vehicle may not legally pass another vehicle that is stopped at a marked or unmarked crosswalk for a pedestrian. Failing to yield to a pedestrian in a crosswalk and for passing a stopped vehicle at a crosswalk are class B violations and carry a fine of up to 260.00. This safety campaign is in partnership with Oregon Impact in order to address pedestrian and crosswalk safety through education and enforcement. On Tuesday February 21, 2017, members of Lane County Interagency Narcotics Team (INET), assisted by members of Oregon State Police SWAT, ATF, FBI, the Rogue Area Drug Enforcement Team (RADE) and Reedsport Police Department, executed search warrants at 38534 Dexter Road, Dexter, Oregon and 82892 Minnick Road, Dexter, Oregon after an investigation involving the Unlawful Delivery of Methamphetamine. OSP SWAT was called to assist drug enforcement detectives due to the size and layout of the Dexter Road location. Two adults were contacted and detained at the Minnick Road address and are facing charges for Possession and Delivery of Methamphetamine. Four adults were detained at the Dexter Road address. One 5 year old minor child was also present and was taken into protective custody by DHS Child Protective Services. Several adults are facing charges of Unlawful Possession andor Unlawful Delivery of a Controlled Substance. The childs father is also facing additional charges of Endangering the Welfare of a Minor and Child Neglect in the First Degree. According to OSP Sergeant Erik Fisher, task force officers seized Methamphetamine, Psilocybin Mushrooms and a firearm along with additional evidence of sales from the locations. This is an ongoing investigation and no further details are available. The Lane County Interagency Narcotics Enforcement Team is comprised of personnel from the Oregon State Police, Lane County Sheriffs Office, Eugene Police Department, Springfield Police Department, FBI and Lane County District Attorneys Office. Anyone with information regarding illegal drug activity is encouraged to call the INET tip line at (541) 682-6266. Early this morning around, 2:00 am, deputies with the Marion County Sheriffs Office were called to the city of Scotts Mills after two separate residents reported having their windows shot out. One resident in the 6900 block of the Crooked Finger Road NE reported their sliding glass door had been shot out. About 20 minutes later a resident in the 18000 block of Mt. Angel Scotts Mills Road NE reported that their window had also been shot out. In both cases the residents reported hearing a car speeding away from the area. At around 10 am, the Silverton Police Department reported that the Scotts Mills Elementary School had 4 windows shot out, with an estimated damage of 2000.00. In all three cases investigators believe a small caliber gun or pellet gun was used to break the windows. The Sheriffs Office is asking anyone with information regarding the events that took place early this morning to please call the Sheriffs Office at 503 588 5032 or you can text your anonymous information to TipMCSO at 847411. Date: Monday, February 27, 2017 Time: 6:00 P. M. Regular Board Meeting Location: Hockinson Middle School Library Address: 15916 NE 182nd Ave. Brush Prairie, WA 98606 The victim of the assault has been identified as 43 year old CHRISTOPHER APPLEGATE from the Central Point area and remains in the hospital. No further information is available at this time. The investigative team is still attempting to locate the person(s) of interest from yesterday. If anyone has any information they are asked to call the Oregon State Police dispatch center at 541-664-4600. In the early morning hours on February 23, 2017 the Oregon State Police responded to a call of a male on Interstate 5 near milepost 34 in Jackson County. The subject was eventually located, had injuries and was transported to Rogue Regional Medical Center for treatment. There are additional law enforcement personnel in the area of Gold Hill attempting to locate possible suspect(s). If anyone has any information regarding this incident they are asked to call the Oregon State Police Dispatch Center at 541-664-4600. Battle Ground Public Schools has hired Mike Kesler to be the next head football coach of the Battle Ground High School Tigers football team, pending board approval. Kesler, the head of security for the district and a former Washington State Patrol Trooper, brings over 25 years of football coaching experience to the position. Mike brings a vast wealth of knowledge and experience as a football coach to Battle Ground High, said Matt Stanfill, Battle Ground High Schools athletic director and an assistant principal. Mike coaches with a great deal of heart and is dedicated to challenging our kids to be the best versions of themselves both on and off the field. Were looking forward to building on our solid foundation, and were thrilled to have Mike on board as head coach. Kesler attended Lincoln High School in Seattle, earning all-league honors as a defensive and offensive lineman in 1975. After graduating, Kesler attended Walla Walla Community College and was named a National Junior College First Team All-American in 1977 before wrapping up his college-playing career at the University of Oregon, where he played defensive line from 1978-1980. Im excited about the opportunity I have before me, and Im ready for the challenge, Kesler said. We are in the profession of encouraging, developing, and building young men of character, and it is a privilege to call yourself a coach. Our ultimate challenge is not in defeating our opponents on the field, but in continually overcoming our weaknesses and adversity to become the best we can be in all aspects of our lives. From 1991-2009, Kesler was a head coach and league commissioner for Clark County Youth Football. Mike also served an assistant coach at Evergreen High School from 1997-2007 and at Union High School from 2007-2016. Over this span, Mikes teams compiled a record of 115-32, won six league championships, played in four semi-final games, two state championship games, and won the WIAA 4A state title at Evergreen High School in 2004. Battle Ground High School is in the 4A division of the Greater St. Helens League. Kesler replaces Larry Peck, who resigned for family and personal reasons but remains a teacher at BGHS. Peck was the coach for the previous six years, and led the team to a state berth in 2015 for the first time in over two decades. Lincoln Alerts Online Flyer Jpeg Lincoln County Sheriffs Office has added additional features to their current mass notification system, Lincoln Alerts, increasing our capability to reach community members, visitors and businesses with valued emergency notifications and now community information from county services, city and tribal partners. The added feature allows keyword texting to initiate receipt of community information directly from the countys incorporated cities, Confederated Tribes of Siletz Indians, county services (Transit, Roads and additional local information)other information sources. Community members and visitors can CHOOSE UP TO 3 ways to receive emergency notifications and community information from Lincoln County, Oregon: public safety, city, tribal and county officials. Please see attached: - Media release for additional information on this enhancement (PDF and Word) - Color announcement for sharing on on social media sites (PDF and Word) - Lincoln Alerts Icon to place on websites, social media - hyperlink to co. lincoln. or. usalerts Virginia Jenny Demaris Emergency Manager Lincoln County Sheriffs Office 225 W. Olive St. Newport, Oregon 97365 vdemarisco. lincoln. or. us (541) 265-4199 Office (541) 270-0702 Cell Vancouver, Wash. -- The City of Vancouver is considering updates to its Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) rules. ADUs are small additional residential units on existing properties, including basement and garage conversions or small backyard cottages. Approximately 65 ADUs have been built citywide under current standards, which have not been updated for more than a decade. Updates are being considered to provide continued flexibility for homeowners, ensure ADUs fit in with neighboring properties and to help address housing affordability needs, including more options for aging or special needs populations, said City Planner Bryan Snodgrass. The City will host an informal open house to collect community feedback on potential updates from 5 to 6:30 p. m. Tuesday, March 7 at the Vancouver Housing Authority, 2500 Main St. A more formal Vancouver Planning Commission public hearing with opportunities to testify will be held at 6 p. m. on Tuesday, April 11, at Vancouver City Hall, 415 W. 6th Street Potential ADU rules would: Keep existing requirements of one ADU per property that is visually subordinate to the main house, meets full building code standards and has a base maximum size of 800 square Keep requirement to include on-site (off-street) parking Eliminate requirement that ADU or the main home be owner-occupied Eliminate requirement that ADU match specific design features of main house Allow ADUs as small as 160 square feet, as allowed by state building code For more information, see attached ADU fact sheet, or contact Community and Economic Development Planner Bryan Snodgrass at 360-487-8631 or Bryan. Snodgrasscityofvancouver. us . On Wednesday, February 22, 2017 a 24-year-old Warrenton man was arrested by the Clatsop County Sheriffs Office for crimes involving sexual abuse of a local teenage boy. Derek Neil Mendenhall was arrested at the Clatsop County Sheriffs Office in Warrenton at the direction of a Clatsop County Circuit Court warrant obtained following an investigation that began in November 2016. Mendenhall was lodged in the Clatsop County Jail on one count each of Sex Abuse III, Contributing the Sexual Delinquency of a Minor, and Sexual Misconduct. The Clatsop County Sheriffs Office initially received a report on November 8, 2016 from the mother of a local teenager who had disclosed that inappropriate contact had occurred while Mendenhall was a guest in their home during the month of October. The Sheriffs Office investigation revealed Mendenhalls alleged sexual abuse actually began in 2015 when the victim was only 17-years-old. Mendenhall was well known to the victim and had been close to him for several years through his involvement in various community activities where children are heavily involved. The Sheriffs Office encourages parents to talk to their children about physical boundaries with friends and family. We recognize this is a difficult conversation to have but children, especially older teens, need a safe environment to discuss such topics. Situations of this nature can be very confusing even for young adults. As investigators we acknowledge the tremendous courage it takes to speak out and ask for help in these situations. Media inquiries regarding this investigation should be directed to Detective Ryan Humphrey at 503-325-8635 or online at rhumphreyco. clatsop. or. us . Writers from Washington, Multnomah, and Clackamas counties are invited to apply for Northwest Local, a free author fair coming to Beaverton City Library on May 20. Applications are due March 15. (PhotoCity of Beaverton) BEAVERTON, Ore. -- Beaverton City Library is seeking writers in Washington, Multnomah, and Clackamas counties to apply for Northwest Local, a free author fair highlighting the work of talented writers in the tri-county area. The fair will be held at Beaverton City Library, 12375 SW Fifth St. on Saturday, May 20, from 11 a. m. to 2 p. m. Authors in all genres, including adult, young adult, and childrens literature are encouraged to apply. Selected participants will receive a booth space to promote and sell their work, and writers will keep all proceeds from book sales at the event. There is no fee to apply, but selected authors will be asked to donate two books, one for a fair attendee raffle and one to be considered for the librarys collection or sold by the New Friends of Beaverton City Library to support library programs and services. For additional information regarding Beaverton City Library, visit BeavertonLibrary. org or call 503-644-2197. Beaverton City Library is one of 15 member libraries in Washington County Cooperative Library Services (WCCLS), which works to provide responsive and efficient library service countywide through centralized catalog, courier and other services. The city of Beaverton is home to more than 95,000 residents and is Oregons sixth largest city. We are a friendly, active, and responsible city well-known for our exceptional community services and amenities, helping Beaverton residents enjoy a high quality of life. Ranked in the top ten of Money magazines 50 Best Small Cities in America for 2016, Beaverton truly is The Best of Oregon. Previous Cesar E. Chavez Leadership Conference at Western Oregon University. Photo courtesy of Western Oregon University. MONMOUTH, Ore. -- Western Oregon University will welcome the 27th annual Csar E. Chvez Leadership Conference (CECLC) to campus on March 3, 2017. The event is expected to draw more than 2,000 Oregon Hispanic high school students for a conference during which they will alternate between workshops, an exhibitor fair, guest sessions, an awards ceremony and a dance. The keynote speaker kicking off the conference will be Roy Juarez Jr. who, in 2005, founded the human development firm Americas Business Leaders. Juarez spent part of his youth as a homeless dropout, but through perseverance, he eventually graduated from Hardin-Simmons University in Texas. Now, he tours the country sharing a message of hope and speaking about the power of higher education. As a national leader in educating Latino students, Western Oregon University is proud and honored to serve as the site for an event involving more than 2,000 bright, talented and motivated students who will become the leaders of our communities, businesses and government, said David McDonald, associate provost. The CECLC is in its 27th year, and the past nine events have been on the WOU campus. Students from 10 counties in Oregon are slated to attend, and each county was able to nominate a student leader, who will participate in the welcome, the administrator session and the closing, as well as have a private lunch with the keynote speaker. In addition to visiting campus, all students are eligible to compete in art, essay, poetry, video and college scholarship competitions. This years theme is Change Comes from Within You, said Anna Hernndez-Hunter, co-chairwoman of the CECLC executive board. Part of our mission is to empower our youth as leaders for social justice and civic responsibility. This event is often the first time our students begin to see themselves as leaders and begin to develop their social consciousness. Our hope is that they leave the day with a sense of purpose and direction ready to implement change in their schools and their communities. For more information, including a schedule of the days events, visit ceclc. org. About Western Oregon University Western Oregon University, founded in 1856 and located in Monmouth, is Oregons oldest public university. The university has received national recognition for excellence for its focus on student learning and success by the Education Trust, US. News and World Report, American Association of State Colleges and Universities, National Association of Academic Advisors, and Parade Magazine. In 2010 WOU was recognized by the Education Trust as being the top university in America at eliminating the Latino graduation gap. WOU is fully accredited by the Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities. Previous Cesar E. Chavez Leadership Conference at Western Oregon University. Photo courtesy of Western Oregon University. MONMOUTH, Ore. -- Western Oregon University will welcome the 27th annual Csar E. Chvez Leadership Conference (CECLC) to campus on March 3, 2017. The event is expected to draw more than 2,000 Oregon Hispanic high school students for a conference during which they will alternate between workshops, an exhibitor fair, guest sessions, an awards ceremony and a dance. The keynote speaker kicking off the conference will be Roy Juarez Jr. who, in 2005, founded the human development firm Americas Business Leaders. Juarez spent part of his youth as a homeless dropout, but through perseverance, he eventually graduated from Hardin-Simmons University in Texas. Now, he tours the country sharing a message of hope and speaking about the power of higher education. As a national leader in educating Latino students, Western Oregon University is proud and honored to serve as the site for an event involving more than 2,000 bright, talented and motivated students who will become the leaders of our communities, businesses and government, said David McDonald, associate provost. The CECLC is in its 27th year, and the past nine events have been on the WOU campus. Students from 10 counties in Oregon are slated to attend, and each county was able to nominate a student leader, who will participate in the welcome, the administrator session and the closing, as well as have a private lunch with the keynote speaker. In addition to visiting campus, all students are eligible to compete in art, essay, poetry, video and college scholarship competitions. This years theme is Change Comes from Within You, said Anna Hernndez-Hunter, co-chairwoman of the CECLC executive board. Part of our mission is to empower our youth as leaders for social justice and civic responsibility. This event is often the first time our students begin to see themselves as leaders and begin to develop their social consciousness. Our hope is that they leave the day with a sense of purpose and direction ready to implement change in their schools and their communities. For more information, including a schedule of the days events, visit ceclc. org. About Western Oregon University Western Oregon University, founded in 1856 and located in Monmouth, is Oregons oldest public university. The university has received national recognition for excellence for its focus on student learning and success by the Education Trust, US. News and World Report, American Association of State Colleges and Universities, National Association of Academic Advisors, and Parade Magazine. In 2010 WOU was recognized by the Education Trust as being the top university in America at eliminating the Latino graduation gap. WOU is fully accredited by the Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities. On Thursday February 23, 2017, from approximately 6:30 to 8:00 p. m. the Portland Police Bureaus Traffic Division, assisted by North, Central and East Precinct, conducted a Vision Zero traffic safety mission on 82nd Avenue from Northeast Sandy Boulevard to Southeast Washington Street. This area was selected due to numerous community complaints and it is a high traffic area for all road users. Officers focused on dangerous behaviors, and the officers were free to make traffic stops on drivers, pedestrians and bicycle riders as they saw fit. The officers were encouraged to share information about the Vision Zero program during these contacts. As always, officers were allowed the discretion to issue citations, warnings or classes as they saw fit. Most of the stops were of drivers, but four pedestrians were also contacted. One flagged down officers to speak with them, one was issued a warning and two were cited for pedestrian violations. In total, 29 citations for 50 separate violations were issued as well as 10 written warnings. The Traffic Division and Precinct operations will be conducting future enforcement missions as staffing allows. The Portland Police Bureau is committed to working with our partners in government and the community to create safer streets and work towards reducing, and eventually eliminating, traffic fatalities as part of Vision Zero. To learn more about the City of Portlands Vision Zero effort, please visit: portlandoregon. govtransportation40390 I Am Not Invisible event invite (back) I Am Not Invisible, a remarkable presentation featuring 20 portraits of Oregon women military veterans, will be unveiled tonight at a special, one-night community exhibition at the Portland Art Museum. The project, which is a joint effort of Portland State Universitys Veterans Resource Center and the Oregon Department of Veterans Affairs, will shine a spotlight on women veterans, whose contributions, experiences and needs are too often ignored or overlooked socially, politically and legally. The interactive exhibit includes the recorded voices of the shows subjects, sharing some of their experiences serving in the military and the challenges they faced. The debut of I Am Not Invisible takes place from 5 to 7:30 p. m. Friday, Feb. 24, at the Portland Art Museum, 1219 S. W. Park Ave. Many of the women veterans who participated in the project, as well as the photographer, Sally Sheldon, will be in attendance and available to the media for interviews. Complimentary admission is available to those attending the exhibit. Guests should check in at the guest services desk upon entry and identify themselves as attending the I Am Not Invisible event. After the display at the Portland Art Museum, the exhibit will begin a traveling campaign, appearing at various locations throughout the state. The Parkrose Board of Education of School District No. 3, Multnomah County, Oregon, will convene in an Executive Regular Board Business Meeting on Monday, February 27, 2017 in the Boardroom at the Parkrose District Office located at 10636 NE Prescott St. Portland, Oregon at the hour of 6:30pm. The Board will recognize Classified Employees for their outstanding contributions to the School District. They will receive reports from the Associated Study Body, Superintendents Office, Assistant SuperintendentSchool Improvement Office and Technology Department. The Board will interview budget committee applicants for the one remaining vacancy. They will take action on consent agenda, Open Enrollment Inter District Transfer spots, MESDs Local Service Plan, the 2017-2018 District Calendar and Budget Committee position 2 appointment. They will also report on their Board Business and be available to hear Citizen Comments twice during the Business Meeting. The agenda is posted on the Parkrose School District Website at v3.boardbook. orgPublicPublicHome. aspxak1000205 OREGON CITY -- Due to the snow, ice and record rainfall events this winter season, Oregon City has experienced two significant landslides. On February 16, 2017, City staff was notified of a water main break on Trillium Park Drive that has since been attributed to a landslide. At this time, Trillium Park Drive is closed from Swordfern Court to Canyon Court and the water main break has been isolated. One single family home near the slide has experienced structural damage, including foundation cracking, and the structure has been identified as a dangerous building. The Red Cross has been notified to assist the residents of the home. With the road and associated underground utilities isolated, the City is assessing the short and long term impacts of the slide to determine the appropriate course of action to minimize further impacts. A second active landslide is located on private property north of Barclay Hills Park between Alden Street and Peter Skene Way. The City has an 8 waterline and an 8 sanitary sewer line in the vicinity. The 8 sewer line was impacted by the slide resulting in the need for City crews to abandon the sewer line and implement a temporary bypass plan to provide service to the area. The City has hired an engineering consultant to design a new route so that emergency construction of a new line and abandonment of the old line can occur. The Peter Skene Way landslide caused a sanitary sewer overflow into the Newell Creek Canyon watershed. The sewer leak has been stopped with the installation of the sewer bypass. The City has notified the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) of the overflow and will be reporting any findings to DEQ as mandated by State and Federal law. The City is instructing residents to avoid contact with water associated with the Newell Creek Canyon as a result of this sewer main break. Three other known slides involving private property damage within the City limits of Oregon City continue to deteriorate under current winter weather conditions. Although these sites do not involve damage to public facilities or rights-of-way, City staff remains apprised of these landslides and is acting as a resource to affected property owners. To report landslide activity or for more information on landslides, contact John Lewis, Public Works Director at 503.657.0891. On February 23, 2017, at about 9:00 a. m. TY RAY NUNES, age 34, from Grants Pass was taken into custody after a brief standoff in Josephine County. NUNES has been the subject of an extensive search for many months because of the numerous criminal activities he has been involved in, to include Felony Eludes, Robberies, Federal Warrants and Narcotics. The Oregon State Police learned NUNES may be at a residence in the 700 block of Cienaga Lane in Josephine County and responded to the area. Additional law enforcement also responded and assisted in taking NUNES into custody after a brief standoff. During the past few weeks law enforcement arrested seven other individuals while attempting to locate and arrest NUNES. The Oregon State Police was assisted by Grants Pass Department of Public Safety, Josephine County Sheriffs office, Medford Police Department, Josephine County Parole and Probation, Federal Bureau of Investigation, Medford Area Drug and Gang Enforcement and Rogue Area Drug Enforcement. Sandy Police have taken 18 reports of thefts from a vehicle or unlawful entry into a motor vehicle related to a crime spree overnight on 022117. Two firearms, at least one credit card and one vehicle were reported stolen. The victims were all located in the south east side of Sandy within a half mile radius. The stolen vehicle was recovered in Damascus a short time after it was reported stolen. A detective is investigating the possible use of a credit card stolen out of one of the victims vehicles. The Sandy Police Department would like to remind the public that it is best to lock unattended vehicles to prevent crimes of opportunity such as these. In our area, it is rare for thieves to break windows or otherwise damage vehicles in order to steal items from inside. Oregon Dairy Farmers Association Convention Off to a Rousing Start Author -- Michael Davis February 23, 2017 -- Salem, Oregon - The Oregon Dairy Farmers Association hosted a two day convention at the Salem Convention Center on February 20-21. Highlights from the first General Session: There was learning and laughter aplenty Monday at the opening session of the 2017 Oregon Dairy Farmers Association convention in downtown Salem. Dairy farmers from across the state descended on the Salem Convention Center to renew acquaintances, browse industry displays and exhibits, and attend two waves of afternoon workshops on topics of high interest. More than 350 delegates were registered for the convention, and spirits were high after keynote speaker Steve Gilliland addressed attendees to the luncheon. Gilliland, a comedian and author, regaled the audience with stories about his Bible-thumping mother, academically challenged (but athletically gift) son, and the hand signal he uses to order a cold one while mowing the lawn. Marion County Commission Kevin Cameron welcomed the visitors to the state capitol and the county. You are the hardest-working people I know of, he said, noting that there is no relief from the daily rituals of sustaining a dairy farm. Cows dont take a vacation, and they certainly dont celebrate Presidents Day. Out-of-state visitors were treated to a rare February Oregon sun break Monday afternoon, as the rain clouds parted for a brief period. Daylight steamed through the glassed-in upper floor of the convention, where representatives from 40 entities were showing their wares and telling their stories. Among the highlights of the breakout sessions was a panel of working farm wives who talked about the role women play in the dairy industry. The panelists touched on the challenges of dealing with intergenerational struggles, in-laws and having a spouse as a business partner. The first day concluded with a wine and cheese reception, dinner, an ice cream social and a performance by the Foggy Bottom Boys. The schedule for Day Two of the convention included a 9 a. m. general session of transparency within the agriculture and food system. As it was on Monday, there was a milk break scheduled to allow attendees to sample an array of frozen and chilled treats donated by processors around the State featuring the milk produced by the 228 dairy farms here in Oregon. The Oregon Dairy Farmers Association is located in Salem. The Association has been proudly serving Oregons Dairy farmers since 1892. Oregon Dairy Farmers Association Convention Focus on Issues Including Dairy Wives who bring so much to their Dairy Farm Operations Author -- Michael Davis February 23, 2017 -- Salem, Oregon - The Oregon Dairy Farmers Association hosted a two day convention at the Salem Convention Center on February 20-21. A panel of well-informed women spoke candidly about the joys and struggles of dairy farming during a convention workshop Monday afternoon. Attendees heard four farm wives share their experiences of working in the dairy industry. It can be trying when frictions in the barns hit home, they said. Its super hard to see my son get yelled at by his dad, said Susan Pierson, a fourth-generation farmer. As both mother and wife, she is often a sounding board when things get overheated. I have to do a lot of listening and not a lot of talking. But later I might say something to my husband like, You know, you were a little hard on him. I feel like Im in the middle a lot, said Julie Lourenzo, who shares the workload with her husband and other family members. When conflict arises, I talk to both sides and try to work it out. I brought a husband into the job, said panel moderator Bobbi Frost, who is familiar with that uncomfortable space between the spouse you love and the parents who raised you. The audience responded to a frank discussion about whether the panelists encouraged their children to pursue farming. Sarah Rocha, mother of four boys, said she chose to allow her children to find their path. The more you push, the more they push back, she said. Rocha runs the calf operation on a farm with 600-650 cows and 150 goats. I pushed my sons away from the dairy, said Pierson, an organic farmer for 12 years. But as it was with other panelists, some children decide to join the family business after a time. Of one son she said, All of a sudden he came to us and said he wanted to come back. In response to a question about when how to draw the line between work and family time, Lourenzo said she knows she has reached her limit when she begins to voice complaints. If you are going to complain, its a sign you are doing too much, she said. A highlight of the breakout session was when moderator Frost, who brought along her 11-month-old daughter, Max, to the convention, said she felt like Superman on a day when she completed her work while toting an infant around the farm. Then she provided the quote of the afternoon with an observation about childbirth. One day my husband said to me that getting hit in the nuts is worse than having a baby. How so, she wondered You want another baby, right he said. But you dont hear me saying I want someone to hit me in the nuts again. The Oregon Dairy Farmers Association is located in Salem. The Association has been proudly serving Oregons Dairy farmers since 1892. Cody Nicholson Stratton Oregon Dairy Farmers Association Convention CONFRONTS ONLINE TROLLS, CONSUMER SKEPTICISM and HONORS SENATOR BETSY JOHNSON Author -- Michael Davis February 23, 2017 -- Salem, Oregon - The Oregon Dairy Farmers Association hosted a two day convention at the Salem Convention Center on February 20-21. Highlights from the second day: Day Two of the Oregon Dairy Farmers Association annual convention confronted some of the contemporary challenges of 21st Century business life. Keynote speaker J. J. Jones of The Center for Food Integrity urged attendees at Tuesdays opening session to gain the trust of dairy consumers with see-through practices and policies. Transparency is no longer optional, he said. Its a basic consumer expectation. Jones, a skilled communicator who spoke fluidly and without notes, provided plentiful takeaway suggestions on how Oregons dairy farmers can provide more answers and access to their businesses. He encouraged a culture that would embrace consumer skepticism by responding to questions openly, clearly and accurately. Doing so can enhance the credibility of a dairy business, he said. At a filled-to-capacity breakout session, social media savant and agvocator Cody Nicholson Stratton provided lists of practical dos and donts for dairy farmers who wish to reach their online followers and customers via Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and Snapchat. The best story is always the true one, he said. Be clear about what you want to achieve, be genuine and set goals. Stratton urged audience members not to fly off the handle and act like spider monkeys when online trolls try to provoke with incendiary posts. Instead, he said, hug your hater and shrug off the unwelcome messages with a benign response or no response at all. State Sen. Betsy Johnson, a Democrat from Scappoose, received the ODFAs Distinguished Service Award during lunch-hour ceremonies. In accepting the award, she vowed to fight the bad stuff and support the good stuff during the 2017 legislative session and beyond. The ODFA also honored activist farmer Bobbi Frost for her service to the organization in helping to defeat Measure 97 in the November, 2016 election. The measure would have imposed a corporate minimum tax on businesses whose sales exceed 25 million. The noontime crowd had time to bid on a colorful array of cow-themed silent auction items. Following the ODFA annual meeting and second round of breakout sessions, convention participants enjoyed a beer and cheese reception and the annual Oregon Dairy Women Dinner and Scholarship Auction. The Oregon Dairy Farmers Association is located in Salem. The Association has been proudly serving Oregons Dairy farmers since 1892. Oregon Dairy Farmers Association Convention Features SERIOUSLY FUNNY SPEAKERS ADVICE: BE MINDFUL OF YOUR PASSION AND PURPOSE Author -- Michael Davis February 23, 2017 -- Salem, Oregon - The Oregon Dairy Farmers Association hosted a two day convention at the Salem Convention Center on February 20-21. Highlights from the first General Session: Years after a painful divorce, Steve Gilliland began seeing a flight attendant. For their second date, which included tickets directly behind the glass at a Pittsburgh Penguins hockey game, she opened the door wearing jeans and a sweatshirt. Gilliland said she looked great, but it was what was written on the sweatshirt that got his attention: Marry me. Fly free. Gilliland has gotten a lot of mileage out of that story through the years. The well-traveled comedian and professional speaker shared the tale Monday afternoon during the annual Oregon Dairy Farmers Association convention. He was the days keynote speaker. The North Carolina-based comic is the author of a small library of inspirational books that grew out of his confessional storytelling and practiced stagecraft. Gilliland does not suffer fools easily. When a lethargic employee at a Taco Bell told him he was burnt out, the comedian said that was impossible. I dont think youve ever been lit. Wherever he goes, Gilliland poses the same question to the audience: Who were the five most influential people in your life Gillilands King James version of a mother, a self-styled attack evangelist, made his influential list, as did his one-time secretary, an outrageous character who once said, A closed mouth gathers no feet. Gilliland, a one-time baseball broadcaster and former scholarship athlete at Florida State University, posits that your legacy can be determined by the number of individuals who would place you on their list of five. When things go south in life, Gillilands mother said there are only two sets of outcomes. You can be bitter or better, stronger or weaker. He offered that advice to his audience of dairy farmers and exhibitors, exhorting the attendees to keep the passion burning about their chosen profession and to be mindful of purpose. The hour-plus talk ended with an admission from Gilliland that he married that flight attendant. And theyve been flying ever since. The Oregon Dairy Farmers Association is located in Salem. The Association has been proudly serving Oregons Dairy farmers since 1892. Vancouver, WA -- The City of Vancouver invites the public to review and offer comments on its annual Stormwater Management Plan update. The Citys draft 2017 Stormwater Management Plan is available to view online through the webpage at cityofvancouver. uswaterallaround. Written comments may be submitted online or by mail to Vancouver Surface Water Management, P. O. Box 1995, Vancouver, WA 98668-1995. Comments must be received by Wednesday, March 15, 2017. The City is required to update its Stormwater Management Plan yearly. The plan describes the Citys programs and planned activities which meet requirements of the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) municipal stormwater permit. Components of the permit include: - Public Education and Outreach - Public Involvement and Participation - Detecting and Eliminating Illicit Discharges from reaching Natural Waters - Regulations for Runoff from New Development, Redevelopment and Construction Sites - Municipal Operation and Maintenance of Stormwater Facilities - Monitoring and Assessing Natural Waters The City of Vancouvers stormwater, surface water and groundwater programs work to protect and improve surface and ground water resources for the community and environment, in compliance with the federal Clean Water Act and the Citys Phase II National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permit for Western Washington. Salem Police Detectives are currently investigating a stabbing that occurred Thursday afternoon in northeast Salem. At approximately 12:07 pm, a Salem Police School Resource Officer who is assigned at North Salem High School was returning to the school when he came upon an injured male juvenile. The victim was on a sidewalk along 14th St NE near Chemeketa St NE. Medics were called and the victim was transported to Salem Health for treatment. The investigation determined that the victim, who is a North Salem High School student, was stabbed by another juvenile male, who is also a student at North Salem High School. The two are known to each other. Due to the proximity to the high school and the fact that both involved parties are students at the school, both North Salem High School and Parrish Middle School were placed on lockdown as officers searched for the suspect. The victim is being treated for superficial wounds and the suspect is still at large. This incident is being investigated as being possibly gang related. Salem Police School Resource officers are continuing to work closely with students and staff at North Salem High School to keep the students and staff safe. Sanitary Sewage Release Advisory (this is not a combined sewer overflow CSO advisory) More than 100 gallons of sewage spilled from a vactor truck when crews responded to a call yesterday afternoon on N. River Street near N. Albina Avenue. Crews cleaned up the spill but an unknown amount of sewage soaked into the ground and an estimated 100 gallons traveled to a storm drain that discharges into the Willamette River. Sewage release signs were placed to warn the public to stay out of the area. The public is advised to stay out of the area and to avoid contact with the Willamette River for 48 hours. This sewage release is not related to Portlands combined sewer overflow control system. The Bureau of Environmental Services provides city residents with programs to protect water quality and public health, including wastewater collection and treatment, sewer construction and maintenance, stormwater management, and stream and watershed restoration. Clackamas Fire District 1 hosts the grand re-opening of the Damascus Community Fire Station 19 on Monday, Feb. 27 at 10:00 a. m. 20100 SE Hwy 212, Damascus, 97089. The public and media are invited to attend. Beginning Feb. 27, marks the finalization of Clackamas Fires annexation process of Boring Fire District, as approved by voters of both districts in November. Boring Fires contract for service with Clackamas Fire dissolves and residents of the Boring-area annexes into Clackamas Fire. Career firefighters have only staffed the Damascus fire station 40 hours a week but through the approval of the annexation, creates efficiencies that makes staffing possible 24 hours per day, seven days a week. Each day, Station 19s engine will have three firefighters with at least one being a firefighter paramedic. As part of its commitment to the areas being annexed, Clackamas Fire will provide a new fire apparatus, Engine 19, to the former Boring Fire coverage area, which is important to enhancing service across Clackamas Fires entire expanded service area. Clackamas Fire wants to celebrate the re-opening of the fire station. The centrally located station is a resource that will be serving both districts, as it provides services to the growing east side of the Fire District. Dmae Roberts (pictured) will lead a discussion on mixed-race and interracial families at Beaverton City Library on March 5 as part of the Oregon Humanities Conversation Project. (PhotoDmae Roberts) BEAVERTON, Ore. -- On Sunday, March 5, from 2 to 3:30 p. m. Beaverton City Library (12375 SW Fifth St.) will host What Are You Mixed-Race and Interracial Families in Oregons Past and Future, a discussion of heritage that goes beyond checking one race on U. S. census forms. Dmae Roberts will lead the conversation. Roberts has written essays and produced film and radio documentaries about being a biracial Asian American in Oregon. The number of mixed-race people and interracial families in Oregon is growing. The conversation will include the challenges and benefits of growing up mixed-race, raising mixed-race children, or being in an interracial couple in a state that has historically been white. How can we openly discuss our own ethnic and racial heritage with each other without being regarded as off or unusual How have the answers to what are you changed through the decades Registration is encouraged for this free event. To register, visit BeavertonLibrary. orgRegister or call 503-644-2197, option 2. This event is part of the Oregon Humanities Conversation Project. To learn more, visit oregonhumanities. orgprogramsconversation-project. For additional information regarding Beaverton City Library, visit BeavertonLibrary. org or call 503-644-2197. Beaverton City Library is one of 15 member libraries in Washington County Cooperative Library Services (WCCLS), which works to provide responsive and efficient library service countywide through centralized catalog, courier and other services. The city of Beaverton is home to more than 95,000 residents and is Oregons sixth largest city. We are a friendly, active, and responsible city well-known for our exceptional community services and amenities, helping Beaverton residents enjoy a high quality of life. Ranked in the top ten of Money magazines 50 Best Small Cities in America for 2016, Beaverton truly is The Best of Oregon. Castle Rock, WA - Fire crews from Cowlitz County Fire District 6 (Castle Rock), Toutle Fire Department, and Cowlitz 2 Fire Rescue responded to a house fire late Wednesday afternoon in the 400 block of Quick Rd. Initial fire crews reported multiple rooms on fire of the two story home when they arrived. Roof collapse made it difficult for firefighters to access all areas of the home that were on fire the fire was extinguished hours later around 8pm. All residents were able to evacuate four cats and two dogs perished in the fire. The cause of the fire is under investigation. No injuries were reported. Please find attached the latest Clackamas Community college news. On Tuesday, February 28, from 5:30 -- 7 pm, the city of Battle Ground will host an informational open house for the South Parkway Improvement Project. The open house will take place in Suite 148 in Battle Ground City Hall located at 109 SW 1st Street. City staff, as well as a representative from project contractor Tapani, Inc. will be on hand to discuss the scope of the work, construction schedule, impacts on travel, and to respond to any questions or comments. The 5.6 million project addresses two distinct sections of South Parkway. Section A, between Eaton and Rasmussen, requires complete reconstruction to remove its failing base. The completed project will feature sidewalks, ADA ramp upgrades, planter strips, bike lanes, lighting, a travel lane in each direction and a center left-turn lane. Construction activities will include an upgrade to the water and sewer utility infrastructure. For Section B of the project, between Main Street and Rasmussen, a process referred to as mill and fill will be used in which the top several inches of asphalt is removed before adding a new layer. Sidewalk ADA ramps will be upgraded as well as some utilities infrastructure. Principal funding for the project comes from a WA State Transportation Improvement Board grant of 3.9 million. 65,000 of Battle Ground Transportation Benefit District TBD funding (citizen-paid vehicle tab fees) is being used as a match to leverage an additional TIB grant of 366,000. Project funding is further supplemented by City of Battle Ground Traffic Impact Fees and utility funds. Detailed information and updates are available on the citys website at cityofbg. orgs-parkway and on the citys Facebook page at facebookCityofBGWA. VANCOUVER, Wash. -- On Feb. 18 the Port of Vancouver USA welcomed the Brighten Trader, commanded by Capt. Marcelino S. Ecobiza from the Philippines, on its maiden voyage to the U. S. The Brighten Trader is operated by Victoria Ship Management Inc. owned by Sea Queen Shipping Corp. and was represented by General Steamship Corp. The vessel, which is 590 feet long with a deadweight capacity of 39,310 metric tons, was built in China and launched Jan. 12, 2017. The Brighten Trader was loaded with approximately 10,500 metric tons of copper concentrate at the Port of Vancouver before sailing to Vancouver, B. C. to load additional concentrate cargoes. The vessel will head to Japan and China after its stops on the North American West Coast. The Port of Vancouver USA is one of the major ports on the Pacific Coast, and its competitive strengths include available land, versatile cargo handling capabilities, vast transportation networks, a skilled labor force and an exceptional level of service to its customers and community. For more information, please visit us at portvanusa. On Wednesday February 22, 2017 Members of the Multnomah County Sheriffs Office Special Investigations Unit (SIU) and Warrant Strike Team (WST) executed search warrants as a result of an ongoing heroin and methamphetamine investigation. Search warrants were served at 4030 SE 104th Ave, Portland, OR where a suspect was renting a room from a family and at 1718 SE Orient Dr. Apt. 1132 Gresham, OR. After serving the search warrants, investigators found and seized approximately 90-100 pounds of methamphetamine, two pounds of heroin, one firearm and 29,677 in currency. This constitutes one of the largest drug raids in the State of Oregon and the largest in Multnomah County Sheriffs Office history. The street value of these drugs is well over 2 million dollars. Deputies arrested Alfredo NarcisoPineda, Age 34, of Portland, OR, Alejandro LopezGonzales, Age 25, of Gresham, OR and Celso Marroquin Benitez, Age 39, of Portland, OR on multiple charges related to the Possession, Distribution and Manufacturing of methamphetamine and heroin. Booking photos are available on our website at mcso. us Sheriff Reese noted, In our mission to help those working to find success in drug treatment, it is critical that we work to remove the supply of drugs coming into our community. Last nights successful mission made a significant impact in removing a large amount of methamphetamine from making it to the streets of our community. BGHS sophomore Taylor Harpe Editors please note: This story was written by BGHS student and AFJROTC Public Affairs cadet CT Sgt Sandra Fachiol. Photos courtesy of parent Diane Harpe. Cadets from the Air Force Junior Officer Training Corps (JROTC) programs at Battle Ground and Prairie high schools received high honors recently at the JROTC Western Regional Air Rifle Championships in Las Vegas, including top prizes for two individual students. More than 290 cadets from seven states representing all service branches gathered at the Cashman Center for the three-day event held Feb. 9-11. When all the shots were fired and the scores tallied, cadets Kaci McCrary, a senior at PHS, and Taylor Harpe, a sophomore at BGHS, captured first and second place, respectively, in the Air Force JROTC Precision rifle class. Their efforts qualified them for the All-Service National Championships to be held in Anniston, Ala. in March. The pair are the only two cadets to qualify individually from among the nearly 900 Air Force JROTC units in the nation. Kaci McCrary began shooting with JROTC as a freshman. As a sophomore, she competed in the Civilian Marksmanship Program national competition in Utah. Last December, USA Shooting invited her to compete at the Olympic Training Center for the Winter Open Air Gun competition. She is now ranked as the number three shooter in the nation for Air Force JROTC. Kaci will graduate in June and is pursuing a career in international business management. Taylor Harpe is a sophomore who began shooting competitively in Air Force JROTC last year and quickly surfaced as a natural in the sport. A member of the 2016 BGHS team that went to the Western Regionals in Utah, Harpe is now ranked as the number four shooter in the nation for Air Force JROTC. Taylor is actively pursuing academic excellence through Advanced Placement (AP) courses and aspires to attend a service academy after he graduates. Marksmanship is a co-curriculum activity in the Air Force JROTC portfolio, and each school hosts teams in the Sporter Class and Precision Class. The sport requires the shooter to fire at targets 10 meters away from three different positions: prone, standing (off-hand), and kneeling. While a perfect score over the course of the three target sets is 600, thousands of practice shots are fired in preparation leading up to the competition. OFFICE OF THE SHERIFF Sheriff Curtis L. Landers 225 W. Olive Street Newport, Oregon 97365 (541) 265-4277 Fax (541) 265-4926 TIP OF THE WEEK Date: February 27, 2016 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Distracted driving is a well-established problem so much so, that many states including Oregon, currently have bans in place when it comes to using technology while driving. But the problem of distracted walking is a relatively new one. Each year, more and more people are injured as a result of texting, talking or listening to music while on their cell phones. While some might laugh at the person who falls into the fountain while texting or the one who walks into a wall while texting, the problem of distracted walking is a very real and serious one. According to data from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), nearly 5,000 pedestrians were killed and an estimated 76,000 injured in traffic collisions in the United States in 2012. Thats one death every 2 hours and an injury every 7 minutes. While its not clear how many of these are a direct result of distracted walking, the total rate of pedestrian fatalities compared to overall road deaths is increasing each year. In 2008, more than 1,000 people were injured seriously enough to seek medical attention at the emergency room as a result of texting and walking -- thats double the number in the previous year (which was double the year previous as well). Its not just texting while walking thats a problem. Talking, checking email, using social networking apps and even playing games all contribute to the problem of distracted pedestrians. The solution to distracted walking is a fairly simple one: do not use your cell phone or engage in other distracting activities while walking. Focus solely on the task at hand -- getting from point A to point B in one piece and worry about checking in once youve safely arrived. If you simply cannot wait to take that phone call or check your email, one way to avoid potential issues associated with using technology while walking is to hold your phone up higher in your visual field so that you can see any potential risks as they come. Ensure you cross the road at crosswalks or signalized intersections and obey your traffic signals. Another way to help avoid the pitfalls of distracted walking is to use software that reads messages out loud and to use voice-recognition typing that allows you to give voice commands instead of continually looking at your screen. Check the iOS App Store and the Google Play Store to find an app that works for you. For more information and tips, visit our web site at lincolncountysheriff and Like us on Facebook at Lincoln County Sheriffs Office -- Oregon. Submitted by: Kathy Manning, Administrative Assistant kmanningco. lincoln. or. us Ph: 541-265-0652 Jack Nisbet, naturalist and author of several books including The Collector, Visible Bones, and Ancient Places, will offer a class and evening presentation at Fort Vancouver National Historic Site next month. The outdoor class for up to 25 people (ages 16 and older) will take place on March 29, from 1 pm to 3 pm. Participants may register by calling (360) 816-6244 there is no fee for the class and registration is on a first come, first served basis. Nisbet will lead participants on a walk around the national park, using David Douglas as a lens for exploring the cultural and natural history of Southwest Washington. The flora and fauna studied by Douglas, and the naturalists relationships with tribal families and families of mixed ethnicity will be a focus. The state of science at that time and Douglas personal story will also play an important role in the class. David Douglas was a man who got out and walked, and seemed to be interested in everything, says Nisbet. We will try to follow his lead. The evening lecture will be on March 29 at 7 pm at the Fort Vancouver Visitor Center. The presentation highlights a section from his recent book, Ancient Places: People and Landscape in the Emerging Northwest, focusing on the discovery of the Willamette Meteorite by a Welsh farmer within the context of Ice Age floods shaping our current landscape, mining, tribal rights, and land use issues. Signed copies of Nisbets books will be available for purchase that evening at the Visitor Center Bookstore, managed by the Friends of Fort Vancouver. Ms. Hogsed has been found safe after she was located at a 7-11 in St. Johns area of Portland. The Clackamas County Sheriffs Office is looking for missing endangered adult Teresita Hogsed. If you see her, call 911 immediately. A search bulletin is attached in PDF and JPG formats. Ms. Hogsed, 61, went missing from her home at 11 a. m. on Wednesday, Feb. 22, 2017 from the unincorporated Milwaukie area off on SE 82nd Ave. She left her residence on foot and hasnt been seen since. She has a brain injury which causes memory problems -- she wont know her address or phone number, but will know her name. She is 411 tall and 110 lbs. with long hair to her thighs. Please call 911 immediately if you see Ms. Hogsed. Vancouver, Wash. -- The City of Vancouver has received a high credit rating from Moodys upgrading the Citys Limited Tax General Obligation bonds from Aa3 to Aa2. In addition, the Citys Downtown Redevelopment Authority conference center project revenue refunding bonds were also upgraded to Aa2. This action was related to a change in rating methodology used by Moodys to rate local government bond issues, and affected 136 local governments in Montana, Oregon, and Washington. Credit ratings are forward-looking opinions about credit risk and express the agencys opinion about the ability and willingness of an issuer, such as a city government, to meet its financial obligations in full and on time. In previous years, the City has also received credit rating upgrades from Standard Poors (SP) Global Ratings. In June 2015, SP upgraded the City to AA rating from AA rating for the Citys 2016 Limited Tax General Obligation Bonds, and affirmed its AA rating on the Citys outstanding General Obligation bonds, as well as an AA long-term rating on the Vancouver Downtown Redevelopment Authority bonds. In November 2010, SP upgraded the City to AA rating from AA - on the outstanding General Obligation debt of the City. Vancouvers strong credit rating reflects the credit agencys view of the citys growth in assessed market value with a strong broad based economy. Standard Poors 2016 report rated the City as strong for budgetary performance and very strong in the areas of management, budgetary flexibility, liquidity and debtcontingent liability profile. The City is proud that it has once again received an upgraded high quality credit rating. These ratings affirm the work our City Council and City Staff have done to develop and implement financial policies and practices as part of a long-term financial strategy that positions the city for on-going success, said Carrie Lewellen, Treasurer for the City of Vancouver. These ratings continue to affirm that our financial operations are stable and well-managed. Mayor Denny Doyle will be honored with an Excellence in Action award by the Psi Chapter, Delta Kappa Gamma Society International Friday evening. (PhotoCity of Beaverton) BEAVERTON, Ore. -- The Psi Chapter, Delta Kappa Gamma Society International will honor Mayor Denny Doyle Friday evening, Feb. 24, with the Excellence in Action Award for his work with diverse community members and youth. Im proud to call Beaverton a welcoming and safe place for all to thrive, said Mayor Denny Doyle. I share this award with our staff who work hard to carry out the citys vision of being a place where our most diverse residents and our youth are included in how our city operates. This years theme at the state level of DKG is Be the Change, which the local chapter felt Mayor Doyle reflected throughout this past year. Tickets are still available for tomorrows award ceremony at the Beaverton Elks Lodge, 3500 SW 104th Ave. The event is from 5:30 to 7:30 p. m. and will feature appetizers and hosted wine and beer. For tickets, contact Roberta Hutton at roberta. hutton313gmail or 503-260-5464. In 1976, members of the Psi Chapter, Delta Kappa Gamma (DKG) Society International created an annual award to recognize a Washington County individual or group that has made a difference for youth, supported educational issues, and generally gone beyond what others have accomplished. The program has received recognition from DKGs state and international level. The Delta Kappa Gamma Society International is a professional honor society of key women educators in the United States, Canada, Europe, Latin America, and Japan. For more information visit dkg. org. The city of Beaverton is home to more than 95,000 residents and is Oregons sixth largest city. We are a friendly, active, and responsible city well-known for our exceptional community services and amenities, helping Beaverton residents enjoy a high quality of life. Ranked in the top ten of Money magazines 50 Best Small Cities in America for 2016, Beaverton truly is The Best of Oregon. Doctors Bud and Selma Pierce SALEM, OR (Feb. 23, 2017) - Cascade Pacific Council, Boy Scouts of America (BSA) will host a breakfast Tuesday, Feb. 28, at 7 a. m. at the Salem Convention Center. The public is invited to attend the breakfast. While the breakfast is free, a donation will be requested. Registration is required. Call 503-581-6601 to register. At the breakfast, the Scoutmaster of Philanthropy Award will be given to Drs. Bud and Selma Pierce in recognition of their philanthropic contributions in Oregon, and in the Willamette Valley in particular. Dick Withnell will be the keynote speaker. The event will also feature the posting of the colors by a local Boy Scout troop, presentation by B. S.A. executives, and a video of scouting programs and accomplishments. The Cascade Pacific Council of BSA is honored to recognize the Pierces extraordinary contributions this year. Their example as philanthropic leaders is inspiring. Last year the family of the late Larry Epping received the award. Locally the BSA serves over 21,000 youth aged 6 to 21 in their various programs. Scouting teaches youth life and leadership skills using the outdoors as the classroom. Stefanie Foster, Ridgefield High School Family and Consumer Science Education teacher Thursday, February 23, 2017 -- Ridgefield, Washington -- Students in Mark Cooks photography class at Ridgefield High School know inside and out how cameras work. How They build the cameras using cardboard, duct tape and aluminum pop cans Yes, it can be done, said Cook. These pinhole cameras clearly demonstrate how a camera works. According to Cook, a camera is a very simple device. All that is needed is a light, tight box with an onoff switch, called a shutter, and a small hole to let light in (called an aperture). Students begin the process by learning to figure out how to read the engineering plans that provide the precise material specifications and instructions needed to build their cameras. Once they complete their camera boxes, students test them in a real darkroom environment. To see if their cameras really work, they load their cameras with film (light-sensitive photographic paper) and test their cameras by taking pictures outdoors. The students then return to the darkroom where they learn how to develop the film into a paper negative. This is an excellent, hands-on project, said Cook. These cameras work great and provide a hands on learning experience for our students. Our Career and Technology Education (CTE) Department provides a great opportunity for students, said Ridgefield High School Principal Tony VanderMaas. They learn workplace skills while getting a chance to experience many hands-on activities. Juniors and seniors in Stefanie Fosters Independent Living class learn what it takes to manage personal finances after high school. The class requires them to research a career of their choice to determine the average professional income they will earn in that field after college. With that information, they learn how to build a budget, pay bills and make decisions such as buying a car, renting vs. buying a house, and learning to put aside 5-20 of their monthly income for savings. Students also learn how to reconcile bank accounts, calculate and file taxes, compare and purchase insurance, write a resume, interview for a job, and even evaluate investments for retirement. I am always shocked to learn that students have no idea how to manage expenses, said Family and Consumer Science Education teacher Stefanie Foster. We need to focus on educating our students on how to take care of themselves and have a basic skill set on how to live post high school. Independent Living was a class that challenged me, said senior Amara Willham, but one of the most beneficial. Date: Wednesday, March 8, 2017 Time: Doors at 6 p. m. event at 7 p. m. Location: Kiggins Theatre. 1011 Main Street, Vancouver, Wash. Cost: 8 online advance tickets. 10 suggested cover at the door Food Drink: Beer, wine, popcorn, pizza slices, and snacks available. Have you ever sat down at a bar, ordered a beer, and thought to yourself, Why do humans even have specific genes for breaking down alcohol This is what happens when a guy with a PhD in Molecular and Medical Genetics from OHSU gets a job working at a brewery. The answer, as it turns out, takes you a long way back in human history our relationship with yeast (the organism that makes alcohol), predates human evolution. At this Science on Tap, Dr. Kevin McCabe, Lab Supervisor at Full Sail Brewing. will take you through the history of primate alcohol consumption, the importance of yeast to human history, and how early microbiology turned the tables on yeast and gave humans control over our boozy destiny. Science on Tap is a science lecture series where you can sit back, enjoy a pint, and laugh while you learn. Listen to experts talk about the science in your neighborhood and around the world. You dont have to be a science geek to have fun -- all you need is a thirst for knowledge Science on Tap at the Kiggins is produced in partnership with Washington State University Vancouver. For more information on Science on Tap, visit Via Productions . On February 5, 2017 in the late evening hours an incident occurred on SW Century Drive in Sherwood. During this incident the Sherwood Water, Street, Sidewalk, and PublicPrivate utility systems were damaged, including significant damage to a fire hydrant resulting in substantial flooding in the area of the incident. The public was not harmed or threatened due to the damage. The City of Sherwood offered a 3,000.00 reward to a witness, other than the responsible party, for information leading to the arrest and conviction of the person(s) causing the damage on February 5, 2017. Shortly after releasing this information to the public, Sherwood Police developed information regarding the responsible party in this case. In follow-up to this information Sherwood Police have arrested issued a citation to appear in Washington County Circuit Court to 31 year old Jessica Lynn Burgess of Newberg for the crime of failure to perform the duties of a driver when property is damaged (ORS 811.700). Burgess is scheduled to appear in Washington County Circuit Court for arraignment in May. The City of Sherwood would like to thank the public for their interest and assistance in this case. Sherwood Police PIOContact Captain Mark Daniel 503-925-3651 (TILLAMOOK) The Forestland Classification Committee for Tillamook County will meet Feb. 24 in Tillamook from 9 a. m. to noon to continue classifying land in the southern part of the county for the purpose of protection from forest fires. The Nestucca Rural Fire Protection District is assisting the committee. The meeting will be held at: Oregon Department of Forestrys Tillamook District Office 5005 Third St. Tillamook, OR 97141 About wildland fire protection The Oregon Department of Forestrys Tillamook District provides wildland fire protection services to forestlands in the county, funded by a Forest Patrol Assessment on protected lands. Classifying which lands require wildland fire protection services from ODF occurs at the county level. Classification changes dont increase ODFs fire budget. Rather, the classification review helps ensure that protection costs are fairly distributed. Because of changes in land use, a review typically results in some lands being removed from forest classification and others being added. The committee is examining all lands within the county, classifying them either as forestland or not forestland according to: fire risk potential vegetation type (fire fuel) community structure proximity to other forestland The committees efforts will help resolve issues pertaining to ODFs fire suppression role on forestlands and adjacent properties, and will be the basis for assessing lands for the costs of wildland fire protection. At the Feb. 24 meeting, landowners and the public can learn about the history, process and current status of the project. Upon completing its work, the committee will present a list of lands in the county it classified as forestland so those properties can be assessed for fire protection by ODF. For more information on the Tillamook County forestland classification review, contact Ed Wallmark, Tillamook District, 503-815-7050, Edward. h.wallmarkoregon. gov. Linn County Sheriff Bruce Riley reports on February 22, 2017, at 9:04 p. m. deputies responded to a single vehicle crash that occurred on Powerline Road near the intersection of Diamond Hill Drive, east of Harrisburg. Upon arrival, deputies contacted the driver and sole occupant, a 17- year-old juvenile male from Halsey. The investigation revealed the driver was traveling north on Powerline Road when he lost control of his white 1989 Toyota pick-up, while negotiating a sweeping left hand curve. The vehicle rolled and struck a utility pole, causing the pick-up to be torn in half. The driver was able to exit the vehicle and walk to a nearby residence to call 911. The driver was transported to Riverbend Hospital in Eugene by medics and was treated and released for minor injuries. The driver was wearing his seat belt and it does not appear that alcohol or drug consumption was a factor in this crash. Linn County Deputies were assisted by the Harrisburg and Eugene Fire Departments. The investigation is continuing. PORTLAND, Ore. -- Last summer, Public Safety Officer Austin Herr was inspecting his patrol car at the Rock Creek Campus when it happened. He heard the sound of a terrible car accident at the entrance of the campus, 17705 SW Springville Road. Despite being new to the job (a mere six months in) at Portland Community College, Herr leaped into action. Using his military experience and public safety training, he notified his dispatch to get fire and medical rolling to the entrance as soon as possible and tended to the victims. When I got there I saw the airbag powder floating out of one of the cars, Herr recalled. Thats when I knew it was really bad. Herr, a resident of Southeast Portland, administered first aid to the man who was pinned by his steering wheel. He kept him talking and alert while applying pressure on his head to slow a bleed from a traumatic wound. I just wanted to stop him from going into shock, he recalled. With help from a critical care nurse who also witnessed the wreck, both took turns assisting the victim until fire, police and medical units arrived. When the fire department got to the scene, it used the jaws of life to extricate the man. As emergency crews worked, Herr continued to help by directing traffic. Officer Herr showed compassion and quick decisive actions in rendering assistance to those who were in need during this awful situation, said Derrick Foxworth, PCCs Public Safety director. As a result of the officers heroism, the victim he assisted made a full recovery. And, for his efforts, Herr was given the Western Association of Campus Law Enforcement Administrators Award for Valor this past winter. PCCs public safety officers receive training modeled after the Law Enforcement Field Training Evaluation Program (FTEP). This ensures the officers respond to incidents in an empathetic and respectful manner. Theyre trained to identify the problem, assess the situation and respond in the safest and most effective manner, he added. Herr has the background to go with his training. He spent four years in the Army as an active duty soldier in Iraq and Afghanistan before spending an additional four years in the reserves, getting discharged in 2013. Nothing prepares you for something like this unless you have been in similar situations, Herr added. Afterward, he enrolled in PCCs Aviation Science Program and earned his helicopter pilots license from Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University. However, because pressurization of flying caused him headaches, Herr switched careers, and instead became a public safety officer. Hired in late 2015, hes become a fixture at the Cascade Campus in North Portland where he is known as the Hipster Cop due to his thick Ray Ban eyeglasses, pleasant demeanor and love of photography. Every day I meet new people which is fun, Herr said. People open up to me because Im interested in learning more about them, and I think that comes across. It feels good to work for PCC. About Portland Community College: PCC is the largest post-secondary institution in Oregon, serving more than 78,000 full - and part-time students. PCC has four comprehensive campuses, eight education centers or areas served, and 200 community locations in the Portland metropolitan area. The PCC district encompasses a 1,500-square-mile area in northwest Oregon and offers two-year degrees, one-year certificate programs, short-term training, alternative education, pre-college courses and life-long learning. At approximately 2334 hrs last night, fire crews were dispatched to a report of a fire at a restaurant on 525 NE 24th Avenue. The first arriving company reported smoke coming out of the structure. Firefighters were able to quickly knock down the fire before it extended to adjacent structures. No injuries were reported with this fire. The Fire Investigator reports that the cause of the fire was electrical. Additional updates will be sent via FlashAlert. The Portland Police Bureau, in cooperation with Crime Stoppers of Oregon, is asking for the publics help to locate the suspect in a hit and run traffic crash. On January 27, 2017, at about 2:30 p. m. a driver traveling at a high rate of speed eastbound across the Hawthorne Bridge rear-ended two other drivers, causing one vehicle to roll which nearly struck a person riding a bicycle. The suspect driver continued driving eastbound off the Hawthorne Bridge. There were no serious injuries as a result of the crash. The suspect vehicle is described as a beige 1997-2002 Ford Expedition and likely has significant front-end damage. A bicycle rider on the Hawthorne Bridge caught video of the crash: youtu. bec1jCRLgIGx0 Crime Stoppers of Oregon offers cash rewards for information, reported to Crime Stoppers, that leads to an arrest in any unsolved felony crime and tipsters can remain anonymous. Information about any unsolved felony crime is eligible for a cash reward of up to 1,000. Information about any unsolved homicide is eligible for a cash reward of up to 2,500. Information learned from social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter or YouTube should be shared as these tips may lead to the identification of a suspect or suspects. Links can be shared anonymously through Crime Stoppers. Submit an anonymous tip: Text CRIMES (274637) - Type 823HELP, followed by the tip. Call 503-823-HELP (4357) Visit tipsoft to download the TipSubmit app for the iPhone or Droid. Sandy Estacada Police Log - 02222017 On 02222017 at about 1446 hrs. police received a report regarding a theft from a vehicle in the 100 block of E 1st Avenue. A report is pending (CAD). On 02222017 at about 0330 hrs. an unidentified male in his 20s in a new, black Chevrolet Suburban with chrome around the windows stole items from a vehicle in the 18000 block of Antler Avenue. The victim chased the Suburban for a short time, then later called police, who were unable find the suspect. During the morning hours of 2222017, unknown subject(s) entered the victims unlocked vehicle in the 18000 block of Meadow Avenue, and stole a firearm. The firearm was listed in the appropriate databases as stolen. On 02222017 at about 0805 hrs. a woman living in the 18000 block of Antler Avenue reported that her vehicle had been entered. Her credit card was stolen and was used unlawfully on 02222017. She said that the vehicle break in occurred between 2100 hours and 0500 hours, when the card was used. The investigation is ongoing. On 02222017 at about 0812 hrs. police received a phone report regarding theft from a vehicle in the 40000 block of Fawn Street. The report is pending (CAD). On 02222017 at about 0817 hrs. a woman living in the 39000 block of Wall Street reported that her car had been taken overnight. She used a satellite tracking service to locate the vehicle in Damascus. CCSO Deputies recovered the vehicle, which appeared undamaged. On 02222017 at about 0830 hrs. police received a report regarding theft from a vehicle in the 40000 block of Becke Court. A report was taken (CAD). On 02222017 at 0901 hrs. police responded to a phone contact regarding theft from a vehicle. The reporting party informed officer an unknown suspect gained entry into their vehicle during the night and stole about 3 worth of loose change. On 02222017 at about 0945 hrs. police received a phone report regarding theft from a vehicle in the 18000 block of Meadow Avenue. A report is pending (CAD) On 02222017 at about 0956 hrs. police received a phone report regarding theft from a vehicle in the 40000 block of Laurel Street. A report is pending (CAD). On 02222017 at about 1027 hrs. police received a phone report regarding theft from a vehicle in the 18000 block of Cloud Cap Avenue. A report is pending (CAD). On 02222017 at about 1106 hrs. police received a phone report regarding theft from a vehicle in the 18000 block of Antler Avenue. A report is pending (CAD) On 02222017 at about 1133 hrs. police received a phone report regarding theft from a vehicle in the 18000 block of Antler Avenue. A report is pending (CAD) On 02222017 at about 1150 hrs. police received a phone report regarding theft from a vehicle in the 18000 block of Meadow Avenue. A report is pending (CAD). Sometime during the night of 02212017 or the morning of 02222017, unknown subject(s) entered a vehicle in the 18300 block of Antler Avenue, and stole a loaded handgun. The weapon was entered into the appropriate databases. The investigation is ongoing. On 02222017 at about 1246 hrs. police received a phone report regarding theft from a vehicle in the 18000 block of Van Fleet Avenue. The investigation is ongoing. On 02222017 at about 1359 hrs. police responded to a reported unwanted person in the 37000 block of Bell Street. A report is pending (CAD). On 02222017 at about 1507 hrs. police took a report about fraud from a walk-in citizen. A report is pending (CAD). On 02222017 at 1927 hrs. a resident from the 18000 block of Antler Avenue reported that an unknown suspect(s) made entry into their vehicle and stole several items. On 02222017 at around 2321 hrs. police stopped a vehicle for a traffic violation in the 38600 block of Proctor Boulevard. The driver, Trenten S. Reed (22, of Estacada), was arrested for misdemeanor driving while suspended. He was on probation and a detainer was issued. He was also cited for driving uninsured, improper display, and failing to install an IID. The vehicle was impounded at the scene. McMinnville, OR -- The beloved McMinnville Wine Food Classic, which has grown to become one of the largest and most influential wine and food festivals in Oregons wine country, returns for its 24th year under the expansive roof of the Evergreen Space Museum in McMinnville, Oregon. More than 170 exhibitors include over 70 wineries, more than a dozen food vendors, distillers, cideries, and breweries are scheduled to pour and serve their unique products to thousands of attendees from March 10-12, 2017, making the Classic one of the largest and best attended indoor wine and food events in the state. Nicknamed SIP, the event is a dedicated fundraiser for McMinnvilles St. James School that has raised hundreds of thousands of dollars that go directly towards programs benefiting the schools children. Organized and staffed entirely by volunteers, the Classic is one of the largest community events of the year in McMinnville and marshals the resources of one of Oregons friendliest and most cohesive communities. More than 5,000 people are expected to attend the 3-day festival, some who have returned every year since the festival began in 1993 as a small gathering at the McMinnville Armory. Its a great festival, said Rich Washburn, Vice-President of Eola Hills Wine Cellars, a long-time Classic exhibitor. We get a lot of wine-savvy customers who come not only from across the state but from across the country. Its a great way to spend a day or more. For wine lovers, the Classic offers truly unique choices for both tasting and purchasing of wines from throughout the state of Oregon. Willamette Valley standouts like Methven Family Vineyards Winery, Eola Hills Wine Cellars, and Willamette Valley Vineyards will be on hand to pour their exceptional Pinot Noirs, Pinot Gris, Chardonnays, and other varietals, alongside smaller, hard-to-find labels like Varnum Vintners, J. L. Kiff Vineyard, Denison Cellars, and Armonea Winery. Brands from Southern Oregon such as Troon, Hillcrest Vineyard, and Misty Oaks Vineyard bring the states diverse bounty of wines to McMinnville for easy tasting and comparison. There are presently over 70 wineries signed up to exhibit, representing virtually all of the AVAs of Oregon. As with previous Classics, the wine buying experience is unparalleled as patrons purchases are staged at a convenient booth for quick check-out and delivery to their cars. Sponsor, Golden Valley Brewery, will offer selections of their craft beers, and distilleries like Vinn, Big Bottom, and McMenamins Edgefield Distillery will pour samples of some of the craft spirits that are making Oregon a leader in custom, small-batch distilling. Food vendors, from barbecue and seafood to baked goods, seasonings and Mexican food will return to round out the food and wine experience. After entry, patrons pay for each tasting or food item on an individual basis. For information and to order tickets online, go to sipclassic. org. VIP Parking, Free Parking, and Portland and McMinnville Shuttles will be available. Check the website for details. sipclassic. org ABOUT THE MCMINNVILLE WINE FOOD CLASSIC: - This year marks the festivals 24th consecutive year, and 10th in a row at the Evergreen Space Museum. The 3-day event is one of the longest public food and wine events in the state of Oregon. Hours are Friday, 3 to 9 p. m. Saturday noon to 9 p. m. Sunday noon to 5 p. m. Ample parking is available, and there will be shuttles from McMenamins Hotel Oregon, downtown McMinnville. - Some of the exhibits are cleared from the floor of the Evergreen Space Museum and vendors are interspersed with exhibits like the SR-71 Blackbird, the Titan II Missile and others, making it one of the largest indoor food and wine festivals in the state. Overhead exhibits of rockets and spacecraft add to the atmosphere. Next door on the Evergreen campus is the Evergreen Aviation Museum, with its flagship artifact, the Spruce Goose airplane built by Howard Hughes. - Over 170 exhibitors are currently signed up, including more than 70 wineries, brewers, distillers, food vendors and crafts that include painting, sculpture, decorative metal and wood-works. Patrons are able to purchase bottles and cases of their favorite wines, with an easy and efficient checkout system that streamlines the purchasing process. - Tickets for the event are 20 general admission, 17 Seniors and designated drivers. There will be a 3 discount coupon for Friday March 10th. 3-day passes are 36. Early Bird Discounts for tickets purchased prior to 1-15-17 at 15 General Admission, 14 Senior and Designated Driver, and 32 for a 3- day pass. - General admission is 20person - The festival continues to be a major fundraiser for the St. James School of McMinnville, and marshals the resources of 100s of volunteers from the community. - Dozens of wines are entered for judging resulting in Gold, Silver, Bronze and Best-in-Show awards. - McMinnville Wine Food Classic Website: sipclassic. org - Sponsors include Pacific Seafood, Davidson Benefits Planning, Les Schwab, Golden Valley Brewery, McMenamins Hotel Oregon, Gormley Plumbing and Mechanical, First Federal, Kathleens Hallmark Shop, Moreland Oil Co, and Albertsons -- Safeway. At 1:10 am this morning the homeowners at 20105 S Southend Road in Oregon City awoke to a noise in their home this morning which turned out to be a fire in the home. They evacuated and called 911 and first arriving crews found heavy smoke and fire coming from the back of the structure. Firefighters quickly knocked down the bulk of the flames but the fire had made its way into the attic. Crews had to pull the ceiling inside the home to completely extinguish the fire and to check for hot spots. Clackamas Fire District 1 fire investigators are on scene to determine the cause of the fire. No injuries were reported and Canby Fire assisted at the scene. Remember to have working smoke alarms in every sleeping room along with Outside of the sleeping areas of your home. On Wednesday, February 22, 2017 at about 3:34 p. m. the Polk County Sheriffs Office responded to a multiple vehicle crash on Highway 22 at 52nd Avenue NW, Salem. The west bound lanes of Highway 22 were shut down for over an hour, which caused traffic to back up 3-4 miles and into the city limits of Salem. The crash occurred after a brief hailstorm covered a portion of the highway. Two eastbound vehicles lost control on the slick highway and slid across into the west bound lanes, causing crashes. Multiple other west bound vehicles collided with each other as they were attempting to avoid the initial collision. A couple of the minor crashes were handled by the occupants themselves by exchanging information. There were three occupants transported to the Salem Hospital for non-life threatening injuries. The Sheriffs Office is continuing to investigate. Smart Student with Volunteer Volunteer to read for one hour per week with SMART(R) (Start Making A Reader Today) at a Reynolds elementary school. As a SMART volunteer, youll read one-on-one with kindergarten through third-grade students from NOW through mid-May. The consistent, one-on-one time helps build reading motivation, enjoyment, and literacy skills. SMART is fun and encourages children to read outside the classroom by giving students new books each month to take home and keep. Opportunities available at Alder, Hartley, Margaret Scott, Troutdale, Wilkes, and Woodland Elementary Schools, which are located in Portland, Gresham, Fairview and Troutdale. We are looking for 40 volunteers reading times vary by school Visit getsmartoregon. org or call 971-634-1603 for more information. suspect vehicle HR UPDATE 02222017: Thanks to public attention in this case, Sheriffs detectives have located the vehicle used in the Hit Run crash which left a pedestrian severely injured. This investigation remains active and on-going. Additional details will be released as the investigation progresses. Investigators appreciate the media and public attention which helped lead to locating the suspect vehicle. See attached photograph of suspect vehicle. Case number 17-1578 In the early morning hours of Monday, February 20th, 2017 just before 2 AM Sheriffs deputies responded to an autopedestrian hit and run crash at the 4100 block of NE 54th Avenue in Vancouver. Scene investigation shows that a 34 year old male, resident of Vancouver, WA. was walking on NE 54th Avenue along the shoulder of the roadway when he was struck by a southbound vehicle. The striking vehicle then fled the crash scene. From debris left at the crash, investigators believe the suspect vehicle to be a Nissan sedan, unknown color, which should have significant damage to the passenger side grill and headlamp as well as damage to the vehicles hood. The victim was discovered lying severely injured along the roadway by a passerby. He was transported via ambulance to Peace Health Southwest Medical Center in critical condition. Due to his injuries, detectives have not yet been able to interview the victim. This case is under investigation of the Clark County Sheriffs Office Traffic Unit. Anyone with information that might lead to the identity of the hit and run driver is asked to contact Detective Todd Young at Todd. YoungClark. Wa. Gov Today at about 4 p. m. deputies with the Marion County Sheriffs Office responded to a 911 call of a person screaming in the Willamette River. While boat crews from the Sheriffs Office and the Salem Fire Department were responding a Keizer Police Officer spotted the person and kept watch as they drifted down the river. Salem Fire Departments Boat 5 was first to arrive on scene and pulled an adult female from the water. The female was rushed from the water to a waiting ambulance at the Keizer Rapids Park. The female was extremely hypothermic and rushed to the Salem Hospital where she is being treated. The identity of the female and how she ended up in the water is unknown at this time, deputies do believe alcohol played a role. On the evening of February 21, 2017, Lincoln City Police Department received a report that Lynette Kay PROPST, age 60, of Lincoln City, had been missing for a few days. PROPST was last contacted by text message on February 19, 2017. Deputies from the Lincoln County Sheriffs Office located PROPSTs 2002 Nissan Pathfinder parked and unoccupied in Rocky Creek State Park. A note in the window indicated that the Nissan had broken down and she would return for it soon. A search of the area was conducted by the Lincoln County Sheriffs Office, Depoe Bay Fire and Rescue, and the United States Coast Guard. PROPST was not located and a search is on-going. Oregon State Police is seeking the publics help in identifying any witnesses or the whereabouts of PROPST. Anyone with information is urged to call the Oregon State Police Dispatch Center at 503-375-3555. PROPST is described as 5 feet 5 inches tall, 113 pounds, brown hair and brown eyes. More information will be released when it becomes available. February 22, 2017 What: A special ad-hoc subcommittee meeting of the Public Health Advisory Board Agenda: Discussion about guiding principles for legislation When: Monday, March 6, 11 a. m. to 12:30 p. m. The meeting is open to the public via webinar at attendee. gotowebinarregister8266406974935496706. The public also can listen via conference call at 1-877-848-7030, access code 2030826. Oregons Public Health Advisory Board provides guidance for Oregons governmental public health system and oversees the implementation of public health modernization and Oregons State Health Improvement Plan. The Oregon State Police Fish and Wildlife Division recently received a donation of three ATVs from the Oregon Wildlife Foundation. The three ATVs will allow the Troopers to cover more area and be more effective in the enforcement of the Fish and Wildlife laws. The Oregon State Police is very appreciative of the donation by the Oregon Wildlife Foundation and their continued support. Attached is the press release from the Oregon Wildlife Foundation and link below. Vancouver, WA--Evergreen Public Schools is pleased to report that nearly 80 percent of last years eligible eighth graders signed up for the College Bound Scholarship (CBS) program by the June 30 deadline. Statewide, over 30,000--71 percent--of eligible students signed up for the program. To highlight the role of school districts--and especially middle schools--in signing students up, Governor Inslee has recognized over 200 schools and 103 school districts-including all six Evergreen middle schools (Cascade, Covington, Frontier, Pacific, Shahala and Wyeast)- with Gold Star Awards. These schools and districts exceeded the statewide average sign-up rate of 71 percent. School district sign-up rates are available on the Washington Student Achievement Council website. The College Bound Scholarship helps Washingtons low-income students reach higher levels of educational attainment. In combination with other state aid, it covers tuition at public college rates. Eligible students sign up in middle school by June 30 of their eighth grade year to receive an early commitment of state funding. Even with more students signing up for the program, College Bound high school graduation rates have held steady. For the last five years, theyve been more than 10 percentage points above the statewide average for low-income students who did not sign up for the program. The 2016 four-year high school graduation rate for College Bound Scholarship students was 76 percent. In comparison, only 64 percent of low-income students who were eligible--but didnt sign up--graduated in 2016. The benefits of the College Bound Scholarship program extend beyond high school. College Bound students are enrolling in college at slightly higher than the statewide rate. To receive the scholarship, students must be admitted to and enroll in an eligible college within one year of high school graduation. In 2013-14, College Bound students enrolled in college at a rate of 64 percent. This is three percentage points higher than the statewide college enrollment rate of 61 percent. As part of our equity initiative, we want to ensure every student has a full range of options when they graduate from Evergreen Public Schools-including the opportunity to afford and attend college, said Evergreen Public Schools Superintendent John Deeder. On Wednesday February 22, 2017, at approximately 12:00 p. m. Portland Police Bureau officers arrested three people in connection with a disturbance at City Hall, located at 1221 Southwest 4th Avenue. At approximately 9:30 a. m. several individuals disturbed a City Council meeting in chambers. After several people cleared out of chambers, a group of people remained unlawfully in the entry way of City Hall from Southwest 5th Avenue after they were requested to leave the building. Three people were arrested while numerous others left the area upon police arrival. Those arrested were: 21-year-old Christopher August McGregor was arrested and booked into the Multnomah County Jail on charges of Interfering with a Peace Officer, Disorderly Conduct in the Second Degree and Criminal Trespass in the Second Degree. 24-year-old Zachary Pursley was arrested and booked into the Multnomah County Jail on charges of Interfering with a Peace Officer, Disorderly Conduct in the Second Degree and Criminal Trespass in the Second Degree. 29-year-old Jeffrey Richard Singer was arrested and booked into the Multnomah County Jail on charges of Interfering with a Peace Officer and Criminal Trespass in the Second Degree. No force was used during todays arrests. BEAVERTON, Ore. -- The City of Beavertons general obligation bonds received an AA rating from Standard Poors (SP) Global Ratings. The ratings measure Beavertons financial health. The AA rating reflects Beavertons strong economy, management, financial performance and flexibility, and more. Id like to thank Patrick OClaire, our finance director, for 25 years of responsible financial management and his outstanding team, said Mayor Denny Doyle. AA is the second highest possible rating. Beaverton uses these bonds to fund the building or purchasing of city facilities. The rating allows the city to borrow money at low rates to build the public safety center and gives high confidence to investors purchasing the bonds. In February, Beaverton issued 35 million in general obligation bonds to fund the planned public safety center. Beaverton voters authorized the bond sale in the November 2016 election. The bond measure will not increase residents bond tax rate because it replaces the Beaverton City Library construction bonds. The rate is about 20 cents per 1,000 of assessed value. Property owners will continue to pay about 4.20 per month of property with an assessed value of 250,000. The city of Beaverton is home to more than 95,000 residents and is Oregons sixth largest city. We are a friendly, active, and responsible city well-known for our exceptional community services and amenities, helping Beaverton residents enjoy a high quality of life. Ranked in the top ten of Money magazines 50 Best Small Cities in America for 2016, Beaverton truly is The Best of Oregon. World-famous garden celebrates centennial in 2017, events planned Portland Parks Recreation (PPR)s iconic International Rose Test Garden (IRTG) in Washington Park is celebrating its centennial this year (1917-2017). It was in February, 100 years ago, that Portland received official notice the American Rose Society had selected the city as the location for the national test garden, in part to help preserve European roses threatened by World War I. Now, a century later, the renowned site is the oldest continuously operating public rose test garden in the United States. Around 700,000 visitors come to the world-famous rose garden each year. The garden will remain open during construction. WHAT: Groundbreaking celebration for Rose Garden accessibility improvements WHEN: Friday, February 24, 2017, 1pm-2pm WHERE: Intl Rose Test Garden store, 400 SW Kingston Free and open to all guests, including children. Speakers include Parks Commissioner Amanda Fritz and PPR Director Mike Abbat, who will welcome friends, staff and partners. The IRTG will benefit from a Parks Replacement Bond project to improve accessibility from the nearby parking areas into and near the site. The project will remove ADA accessibility barriers from the main Garden promenade and improve the connection to the parking lot, allowing all visitors to enjoy one of the top free attractions in Oregon. Construction starts in March 2017 and is expected to be substantially complete by this coming June. The project includes: Improving slopes and grading Adding new handrails Removing stairs leading into and out of the area on the main promenade by the Beach Memorial Fountain Washington Parks International Rose Test Garden has been a centerpiece of our City for 100 years, says City Parks Commissioner Amanda Fritz. Entering the next century with greater accessibility for all is an equitable and appropriate way to celebrate one of the Rose Citys signature attractions. Our hope for the Centennial Year is that our citizens and visitors see this as a chance to reignite their love for the garden or to visit for the first time. The International Rose Test Garden is a source of pride for all of us at Portland Parks Recreation, says PPR Director Mike Abbat. We are proud to be the steward of this world-renowned jewel and look forward to the next 100 years. We give many thanks to the many partners and volunteers who have given countless hours to develop and maintain the gardens since its beginnings in 1917. CELEBRATE 100 YEARS OF ROSES Portland Parks Recreation and dedicated partners in the rose community are celebrating 100 years of Portland roses in Washington Park with commemorative events throughout the year, culminating in a Community Celebration Day on Saturday, August 26. This free, fun and large public celebration will include family-friendly activities staged among the roses during the day, ending with an evening concert in the adjacent Intl Rose Test Garden amphitheater. It will be an opportunity for all Portlanders to celebrate a signature attraction which helps define the Rose City. Other garden enhancements include the coming installation of interpretive signs and a monument to honor the garden curators of the past 100 years, scheduled for installation in September. PPR rose gardens have been my office for 29 years, says International Rose Test Garden Curator Harry Landers. Through that time and continuing today, Im especially proud to showcase the gardens unique role in Portlands history and what it offers today to visitors from all around the world. Landers will spearhead the planting rows of a special yellow centennial rose, currently in the process of being named by the Friends of the Washington Park International Rose Test Garden, and which will be available for sale to the public. The Friends formed to preserve and enhance the rose garden as a heritage resource and destination for the Portland community and visitors from around the world. Hundreds of Friends volunteers care for the roses through pruning and deadheading, as well as provide tours. Around 700,000 visitors come to the world-famous rose garden each year. The Friends will be hosting a ticketed Wine and Roses Gala as a fundraiser for the garden in August. PPR thanks the Portland Rose Society, Royal Rosarians and Rose Festival Association for their partnerships, which are represented via features within the grounds. These advocates have a key role as historic contributors to the IRTGs development, as well as to the cultivation of Portlands noted passion for roses. The primary purpose of the IRTG is to serve as a testing ground for new rose varieties (hence the word test in the gardens formal name) However, the gardens original creation served two significant historic purposes -- a sanctuary for roses during World War I that European hybridists feared might be wiped out in the bombings, as well as a crown to Portlands campaign in the early 1900s to secure the reputation as the City of Roses. Over the last 100 years, millions of visitors from every corner of the globe have contributed their own stories to the gardens history, and 2017 will be a year to celebrate it all. More history about the Intl Rose Test Garden is available here. Take public transit to Washington Park Please note that reservoir construction has significantly reduced parking in and around Washington Park. Visitors are encouraged to take MAX to the Washington Park stop. Starting in April, the free Washington Park free shuttle runs through the park each weekend, including a stop at the IRTG. The shuttle then runs seven days a week from May through September. More help is needed to close the play gap Portland Parks Recreation remains grateful to Portland voters for the 68 million Parks Replacement Bond, which takes aim at a 258M funding gap for major maintenance needs over the next ten years. Further, PPR anticipates 480M in unfunded growth needs during that period. That adds up to a 738M funding gap over the next decade, which Commissioner Fritz will continue to work with City Council to address. Currently, 19 of people living in Portland do NOT have access to a park or natural area within a 15-minute walk, and the bureau is working hard to close this play gap. PPR data show that pools are one of the bureaus most widely utilized features, and we recognize their importance to the community. On Wednesday February 15, 2017, at about 1:15 p. m. OSP Troopers were dispatched to a single vehicle crash on Highway 26 near milepost 29.5, in Clatsop County. The crash involved a black, newer model Dodge Challenger that went off the roadway and came to rest on a steep embankment. Emergency medical responders at the scene were in contact with a possible witness that left the scene prior to Troopers arrival. OSP is asking anyone with information or witnesses of the crash, to call OSP North Plains Sergeant Darin LaDick at (503) 647-7631 or NCC Dispatch at (503) 375-3555. The University of Portland has announced the honorees to be recognized during the 2017 Commencement ceremonies, which will be held on campus in the Chiles Center on Sunday, May 7. Commencement I begins at 10 a. m. and is held for undergraduate and graduate students of the Pamplin School of Business, the Shiley School of Engineering, andthe School of Nursing. Commencement II starts at 2 p. m. and is for all graduates of the College of Arts and Sciences and the School of Education. Christus Magister Medal Sr. Charlene Herinckx, S. S.M. O. 78 Receiving the Universitys highest honor, the Christus Magister Medal, is Sr. Charlene Herinckx, S. S.M. O. Sr. Herinckx was elected Superior General of the Sisters of Saint Mary of Oregon (S. S.M. O.) in 2010 and was re-elected in 2015. The S. S.M. O. which are the only religious community to be founded in Oregon, officially opened their convent in 1886, and in 1889, they opened an orphanage. Since that time, the sisters have been deeply committed to serving others, especially through education and health care. Through the years, the order founded St. Marys Home for Boys, St. Marys Institute, St. Mary of the Valley boarding school, St. Mary of the Valley High School (now known as Valley Catholic), and Maryville Nursing Home. Sr. Herinckx was raised in Roy, Oregon, a small community near the Tualatin Valley, where the Sisters of Saint Mary began teaching in 1912. The sisters taught her parents, siblings, and extended family, playing a vital role in her faith development. She entered the convent as a candidate in 1966 and professed perpetual vows in 1974. After earning a bachelors degree from Marylhurst University, Sr. Charlene earned a masters degree in education at the University of Portland and a second masters degree from the University of San Francisco. A teacher and principal at schools across the Portland metro region, she also served on the National Religious Vocation Conference Board. Honorary Doctorate Recipients Celia Hammond, L. L.M. Celia Hammond, the speaker for both ceremonies and an honorary doctorate recipient, was appointed to the top position of University of Notre Dame Australia (UNDA) in 2008, becoming its vice chancellor at the age of 39. The school, established in 1989 as the first Catholic university in Australia, now has 11,000 students at three campuses. One of her many achievements was the opening of the Institute for Ethics and Society in 2009, one of the universitys three national research institutes. In addition to research, it provides leadership in ethics education across the university, with a focus on applied and professional ethics, ethics education, bioethics, religion and global affairs, and indigenous research and ethics. Hammond is known as a passionate advocate of Catholic higher education who strives to create a culture and community conducive to the development of the whole person. Before becoming vice chancellor, Hammond served as the deputy vice chancellor and oversaw the universitys law school in Fremantle. She also served as UNDAs general counsel, executive director of the vice chancellery, and assistant provost. Prior to UNDA, Hammond worked as a legal practitioner in Western Australia and taught law at other Australian universities after earning her law degree in 1991 from the University of Western Australia. Lieutenant General Dana T. Atkins, United States Air Force, Ret. 77 Retired Air Force Lt. Gen. Dana Atkins, a distinguished military officer and private-sector business leader, became the president and chief executive officer of the Military Officers Association of America (MOAA) in 2016. MOAA has 390,000 members and is the nations largest, most influential association of military officers. Prior to his appointment, Atkins was the president of Chronicle Media, a large media and marketing services firm in Augusta, Georgia. When he retired from the Air Force in 2012, Atkins was serving as the commander of Alaskan Command, Alaska NORAD Region, Joint Task Force Alaska, and 11th Air Force at Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson, Alaska. During his military career, he served as a command pilot with more than 4,000 hours in fighter aircraft, as vice commander of the 7th Air Force and U. S. Air Force Korea, as director of operations (J3) U. S. Pacific Command, and as special assistant to the Supreme Allied Commander Europe during the air war over Serbia. He flew as a demonstration pilot for both the European A-10 demonstration team and the U. S. Air Force Thunderbirds. Atkins earned his bachelors degree in biology from the University of Portland and holds two masters degrees, one in aeronautical science from Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University and another in national security strategy from the National War College. Rev. George C. Bernard, C. S.C. Fr. George Bernard, C. S.C. has spent the last 48 years at the University of Portland, where he has served as a Holy Cross priest, professor, and administrator. Although he officially retired in 1987 with the title of associate professor emeritus of theology, he has remained active in assisting local parishes, praying the Divine Office and Rosary, and offering Mass on campus. From an early age, religious life appealed to Fr. Bernard and this interest grew at the University of Notre Dame where he was introduced to the Congregation of Holy Cross through classmates who were also seminarians. In 1943, he professed his first vows, and he was ordained to the priesthood in 1949 at the Basilica of the Sacred Heart. After six years of teaching theology at Notre Dame, Fr. Bernard became vice president of student affairs from 1958 to 1961. He then served as president and religious superior of Holy Cross College in Washington, D. C. until that college closed in 1968. In 1969, he arrived on The Bluff, serving as chair of the theology department from 1970 to 1977 and as academic vice president from 1977 until his retirement. Today, Fr. Bernard resides at Holy Cross Court on the University campus. Anthony Doerr Anthony Doerrs 2014 novel All the Light We Cannot See has won numerous literary awards, including the 2015 Pulitzer Prize for fiction and the 2015 Andrew Carnegie Medal for Excellence in Fiction. His first work, The Shell Collector, is a collection of short stories and was a New York Times and Publishers Weekly Notable Book of 2002. He then released About Grace (2004), his first novel, which was followed by the memoir, Four Seasons in Rome (2007). In 2010, Memory Wall, a collection of stories set on four continents, won the acclaimed Story Prize. His short fiction has also earned him four O. Henry Prizes and been anthologized inThe Best American Short Stories, The Scribner Anthology of Contemporary Fiction, andThe Anchor Book of New American Short Stories. Other awards and honors bestowed upon Doerr, whose works have been translated into more than 40 languages, include the Rome Prize from the American Academy of Arts and Letters, the New York Public Librarys Young Lions Fiction Award, a GuggenheimFellowship, a National Endowment for the Arts Fellowship, and the National Magazine Award for Fiction. Doerr earned his undergraduate degree in history from Bowdoin College and a masters degree in fine arts from Bowling Green State University. Anthony Doerr will be awarded his doctorate of humane letters when he speaks as a guest of the University of Portlands annual Schoenfeldt Distinguished Writers Series on February 27, 2017. Brian J. Doyle Catholicism has long played an important part in Brian Doyles life and work. He was raised in an Irish Catholic family in New York and earned his degree in English from the University of Notre Dame in 1978. He was the assistant editor at U. S. Catholic magazine and was a senior writer for Boston College magazine before he became the editor of the Universitys Portland magazine in 1991. During his tenure, Portland has consistently been ranked among the best university magazinesin the country and, in 2005, won Newsweeks Sibley Award as the top university magazine in America. Doyle has also authored many books of fiction, essays, and poems, including his novels Mink River, The Plover, Chicago, and Martin Marten, for which he won a 2016 Oregon Book Award for Young Adult Literature. His essays have appeared in The Atlantic Monthly, Harpers, Orion, The American Scholar, and The New York Times, to name a few, and have been reprinted in the annual anthologies from Best American Essays, Best American Science Nature Writing, and Best American Spiritual Writing. Other honors include the Catholic Book Award, three Pushcart Prizes, the John Burroughs Medal for distinguished nature writing in 2017 and for Outstanding Published Nature Essay in 2012, and the Award in Literature from the American Academy of Arts and Letters in 2008. Rafer Owens Rafer Owens was born and raised in Compton, California, home to the notorious Bloods and Crips street gangs. When he was nine, his brother Vincent, a gang member, was sent to prison for murder. To keep their youngest son from a similar fate, Owens parents encouraged him to attend church and school, with the hope that faith and education would keep him off the streets. After graduating with honors from Verbum Dei Catholic High School in Los Angeles, Owens attended the University of California, Los Angeles. Since then, he has dedicated his life to healing the community in which he not only grew up but raises his own children. Owens is now a Los Angeles County deputy sheriff working in community relations and the head pastor of Faith Inspirational Missionary Baptist Church. In 2006, he partnered with area churches to found the Compton Initiative, a 40-year commitment to improve and restore the city through painting homes, schools, and churches on quarterly workdays. In 2014, he wrote The 7 Pillars of Community Leadership so as to provide a roadmap for others who wish to make a difference in their communities. Owens and his wife Natalie have six children, including Rachelle, a communications major and guard on the Portland womens basketball team. More information about the Universitys Commencement ceremonies can be found atup. educommencement The University of Portland is an independently governed Catholic university guided by the Congregation of Holy Cross. U. S. News World Report ranks the institution as one of the top ten regional universities in the American West. It is the only school in Oregon to offer a College of Arts Sciences, a graduate school, and nationally accredited programs in the schools of business, education, engineering, and nursing. Maurice Lucas Foundation Executive Director David Lucas (left) and board member Pamela Lucas thank Howard Hedinger, who has given 25,000 to kick off the foundations college scholarship fund drive. PORTLAND -- The nonprofit Maurice Lucas Foundation announced its new college scholarship program at an event Feb. 17 that will provide all of its qualifying student participants as much as 5,000 toward their post-high school education. Portland area business leader and philanthropist Howard Hedinger kicked off the scholarship fundraising drive with a 25,000 donation. Howard has been one of our strongest supporters since our very beginning in 2011, said foundation Executive Director David Lucas. As a result of his generous gift, we are naming our scholarship program in his honor. Of course, we invite others to follow Howards lead and join us in supporting this great cause. The foundations teachers, mentors, tutors and coaches provide after-school education and sports programs to underserved Portland area students though its Maurice Lucas Foundation Academies. The foundation has a long-standing relationship with Irvington Middle School where participating students attendance and grades have improved dramatically. We help children learn, achieve, grow and build positive values, Lucas said. We focus our energies on helping middle school students. This new scholarship program enables us to continue assisting these students as they progress through high school and provide incentive for continuing their education. Academy participants will be able to receive up to 1,250 per year for up to four years if they fulfill the scholarship programs academic and community involvement requirements. The foundations first group of eligible students will graduate high school in 2019. The foundation has set a fundraising goal of 110,000 for the scholarship program. Those interested in supporting it can contact Lucas at (503) 880-4323. About the Foundation The foundation is named in honor of Maurice Lucas (1952-2010), the starting forward on the 1977 NBA champion Portland Trail Blazers team. Besides his outstanding achievements on the court, Lucas also gave selflessly of his time and energy to Portland youth. The Maurice Lucas Foundation focuses on middle school kids in the Portland metro area. The foundation teaches life lessons through sport. After school programs, sports camps and outings change the lives of the youths who participate. Since its formation, 436 students have successfully completed the foundations academies and hundreds of others have participated in its sports programs. Superintendent Green made friends with local tradespeople and students while working on the construction. Monday, February 20, 2017-Woodland, WA-Woodland Public Schools Superintendent Michael Green traveled to the Dominican Republic to help construct a school along with 50 other educators and administrators from throughout the United States as part of the Lifetouch Memory Mission. Lifetouch provides photography services for school districts throughout the United States. In 2000, the company established the Lifetouch Memory Mission to enable its employees to travel to destinations throughout the world including Kosovo, Jamaica, Haiti to provide intensive volunteer services in week-long trips. For 2017, Lifetouch Memory Mission established the goal of building a school in Constanza, Dominican Republic. The School Superintendents Association (AASA), the National Association of Elementary Principals (NAESP), the National School Board Association (NSBA), and the National PTA joined forces to send school employee volunteers to help build the school. Green applied and was accepted to volunteer for the mission taking place from January 16-24. When I learned about the program, I was intrigued by the opportunity to impact education in a developing country, he explained. I figured it was a long shot, but decided what the heck and threw my name in the hat. Funds received from company contributions and donations pay for the transportation, meals, and lodging of the volunteers as they dedicate themselves to constructing a school for the small, isolated agricultural community of Constanza located in the mountains northwest of Santo Domingo. We were 4,000 feet up in the mountains with a five-hour drive by bus to reach the village from the airport, said Green. Its a completely different world there. When you go on vacation as a tourist, you typically only interact with residents who work in the service profession and you dont really get to experience the culture of the community itself, said Green. In Constanza, we visited peoples homes and worked side-by-side with local residents who work in a variety of trades. When news spread of Greens acceptance to the mission, the Woodland community rallied their support. Community members donated more than 1,000 to help pay for supplies used in making the school, said Green. I am always impressed and grateful for the Woodland communitys support both of our own local schools, but also for their dedication to help organizations outside of the Woodland area, too. Green and the rest of the team built a second floor addition to the school facilities to help educate the children of the small village. Government support for schools is pretty limited, and, as a result, many of the children there dont attend school because they simply dont have the opportunity to do so, said Green. Lifetouch coordinated this years project with a local pastor to provide school facilities where the political infrastructure cannot help at this time. Green helped pour concrete, build walls, and paint the rooms which will become the Rio Grande school. All of the work was done by hand with manual tools as heavy machinery couldnt travel to the isolated village. The work was incredibly physically demanding with no cement trucks, no forklifts, and the like, explained Green. The team of volunteers worked together and with local tradespeople to accomplish lots of work who spoke no English, so it was very much a growing experience. Green returned from his trip with new perspectives on areas of the world that need support in order to thrive, particularly the people he met. There was demonstrable joy in their very meager existence, at least by American standards, said Green. The people we encountered seemed to have a world view that was very at peace and accepting of what the day would bring. For more information about the Lifetouch Memory Mission, visit their website at:lifetouchmemorymission At approximately 11:04 p. m. on Saturday, February 18, 2017, Clackamas County Sheriffs Office deputies arrived in the area of the 13500 block of SE Wiese Rd. in Damascus on a report of a single-vehicle traffic crash. Upon arrival, deputies were able to confirm that all three occupants of the vehicle were deceased at the scene. The Clackamas County Crash Reconstruction and Forensic Team (CRAFT) responded and is conducting the crash investigation. Preliminary information leads investigators to believe that speed may be a factor. Family notifications have been made. The three deceased occupants have been identified as: - Drew Noble, 21, Cove OR - Curtis Sowell, 16, Oregon City OR - Brenna Collacchi, 21, Clackamas OR The investigation is ongoing no further information is available at this time.

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